
Analiza razširjenosti in zmogljivosti spletnega protokola QUIC
ID Breznik, Mark (Author), ID Sedlar, Urban (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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To magistrsko delo raziskuje protokol QUIC, inovativen protokol transportnega sloja, katerega namen je izboljšati zmogljivost spletnih aplikacij z zmanjšanjem zakasnitve, povečanjem varnosti in izboljšanjem zanesljivosti. Študija preučuje trende uporabe protokola v domačih in laboratorijskih mrežah ter ugotavlja, da je njegova uporaba povezana predvsem s končnimi uporabniki, pri čemer večino prometa še vedno generira Google. Prav tako analizira enostavnost vzpostavitve strežnikov QUIC in njegovo vse večjo integracijo v infrastrukture različnih podjetij in ustanov. Kljub potencialu protokola QUIC za revolucijo internetnih komunikacij je bistveno razumeti izzive, s katerimi se trenutno sooča, zlasti v zvezi s (pre)velikimi certifikati TLS. Raziskava s celovito analizo zmogljivosti protokola QUIC v primerjavi s tradicionalnim protokolom TCP ugotavlja, da čeprav ima QUIC hitrejši postopek rokovanja, so izmerjene skupne časovne razlike pri nalaganju spletnih vsebin pogosto znotraj meja merske napake. Da bi v celoti izkoristili prednosti QUIC-a, študija poudarja pomen optimizacije potrdil TLS z uporabo ključev kriptografije eliptične krivulje (ECC) ali bolj optimiziranega premoščanja s ključi RSA, da ne presežejo omejitve ojačanja. Prihodnost protokolov QUIC in HTTP/3 se zdi obetavna, saj se tehnologija še naprej razvija in pridobiva tržni delež. Z rastjo tržnega deleža bo vedno več organizacij prepoznalo njegove prednosti, kar bo spodbudilo nadaljnji razvoj in uporabo. Zaključek tega magistrskega dela je, da čeprav QUIC predstavlja pomembno inovacijo v svetu internetnih protokolov, bo za popolno uveljavitev kot standardni protokol, ki prinaša konkretne prednosti v hitrosti, zanesljivosti in varnosti spletnih povezav, potreben dodaten čas in analiza.

Keywords:QUIC, HTTP/3, TCP, trendi prometa, strežniki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146899 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:156548099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2023
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Title:Analysis of prevalence and performance of the QUIC protocol
This master thesis investigates the QUIC protocol, an innovative transport layer protocol aimed at enhancing the performance of web applications by reducing latency, increasing security, and improving reliability. The study explores the adoption trends, revealing that its usage is primarily associated with end-users and that a majority of traffic still belongs to Google. It also discusses the ease of setting up servers with QUIC support and the increasing inclusion of QUIC in the infrastructure of various companies and institutions. Despite QUIC's promising potential to revolutionize internet communications, it is essential to understand the challenges it currently faces, especially concerning large TLS certificates. Through a comprehensive analysis of QUIC's performance compared to the traditional TCP protocol, the research demonstrates that although QUIC has a faster handshake process, the measured overall loading time differences are often within the margin of error. To fully exploit QUIC's advantages, the study highlights the importance of optimizing TLS certificates by employing Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) keys or more optimized bridging with RSA keys, ensuring they don't exceed the amplification limit. The future of QUIC and HTTP/3 protocols appears promising as the technology continues to evolve and gain acceptance. As QUIC becomes more widely adopted, an increasing number of organizations will recognize its benefits, leading to further implementation and usage. This master thesis concludes that while QUIC represents a significant innovation in the world of internet protocols, it will require additional time and analysis to fully establish itself as a technology capable of delivering concrete benefits in terms of speed, reliability, and security of web connections.

Keywords:QUIC, HTTP/3, TCP, traffic trends, servers

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