
Oblikovanje in tehnična izdelava namizne družabne igre
ID Močenik, Klara (Author), ID Vrabič Brodnjak, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Družabna igra je razvedrilna dejavnost, ki omogoča sprostitev in zabavo. Je vir pobega iz realnosti in omogoča poglobitev v svet namišljenih, igralnih vlog. V sklopu diplomskega dela smo izdelali prototip družabne igre Fun Fight. Delo je potekalo vse od zarisovanja konceptov na skice, oblikovanja grafične podobe, do tiskanja in izdelovanja zaključnega prototipa. Pregledali smo družabne igre, ki že obstajajo na slovenskem in širšem evropskem trgu. Predvsem take, ki so po idejni zamisli in grafični podobi najbolj podobne naši igri, da smo lahko načrtovali edinstven izdelek. Preučili smo materiale, ki se uporabljajo za izdelavo namiznih družabnih iger in ključne postopke izdelave, kot so tisk, kaširanje in površinska obdelava. Koncept igre smo zarisali na pisarniški papir in določili okvirne dimenzije igralnih komponent. Oblikovali smo vsak posamezen parameter namizne igre, kot so igralna plošča, figure, karte in sama embalaža družabne igre. Načrtovali smo najprimernejše in obstojnejše materiale, ki so uporabni za naš namen dela. Tiskanje smo izvedli na treh tiskarskih strojih s tremi tehnikami tiskanja, in sicer ofsetno, digitalno in kapljično tehnologijo tiska. Embalažo in karte smo obrezali na rezalniku in posamezne dele škatle sestavili v končno embalažo. Figure smo izdelali iz lesa in jih izrezali z izrezovalnikom za les. Igralno ploščo smo odtisnili na ovojni papir, ki smo ga s postopkom kaširanja spojili z lepenko. Ob zaključku načrtovanega dela smo preverili še funkcionalnost in uporabnost našega izdelka s poskusnim igranjem družabne igre. Zapisali smo si opažanja in pomanjkljivosti, ki bi jih odpravili in s tem povečali izvrstnost izdelka. Predvsem smo se osredotočili na uporabnost igralnih delov v smislu trpežnosti in odpornosti na mehanske vplive iz okolja, kot so rokovanje z izdelkom, vlaga, sprememba temperature, odrgnine, prah ipd. Igralni plošči bi povečali trdnost s povečevanjem konusa na sestavljankah, kar bi omogočilo, da le-te ne padejo prehitro narazen. Karte bi dodatno zaščitili s površinskim lakiranjem ali plastificiranjem zaradi večje izpostavljenosti stalnemu rokovanju in premetavanju ob igranju. Površinsko bi zaščitili tudi embalažo s plastifikacijo, saj je kot taka najbolj izpostavljena zunanjim vplivom, hkrati pa mora obdržati kompaktnost in trdnost, da lahko hrani igralne dele v svoji notranjosti. Rezultat diplomskega dela je prototipni izdelek družabne igre Fun Fight.

Keywords:družabna igra, materiali, postopki, oblikovanje, izdelava, prototip.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146872 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Design and Technical Production of Board Game
A board game is an entertainment activity that allows you to relax and have fun. It is a source of escape from reality and allows you to deep into the world of imaginary, playful roles. As part of the thesis, we made a prototype of the board game Fun Fight, the work went from drawing concepts on sketches and creating a graphic image to printing and making the final prototype. We reviewed board games that already exist in the Slovenian and wider European markets. Especially those that are most similar to our game in terms of concept and graphic image, so that we could plan a unique product. We looked at the materials used to make board games and key manufacturing processes such as printing, lamination and surface treatment. We drew the concept of the game on office paper and determined the approximate dimensions of the game components. We designed every single parameter of the board game, such as the game board, pieces, cards and the board game packaging itself. We have planned the most suitable and durable materials that are useful for our purpose of work. The printing was carried out on three printing machines with three printing techniques, namely offset, digital and inkjet printing technology. We cut the packaging and cards on a cutter and assembled the individual parts of the box into the final packaging. We made the figures out of wood and cut them out with a woodcutter. The game board was printed on wrapping paper, which was joined to cardboard using a laminating process. At the end of the planned work, we also checked the functionality and usability of our product by trial-playing a social game. We wrote down observations and shortcomings that could still be improved and increase the excellence of the product. We mainly focused on the usability of the game parts in terms of durability and resistance to mechanical influences from the environment, such as handling the product, moisture, temperature changes, abrasions, dust, etc. The main board would increase strength by increasing the taper on the puzzles, which would allow them to not fall apart too quickly. The cards would be additionally protected by surface varnishing or plasticizing, due to greater exposure to constant handling and shuffling during play. We would also superficially protect the packaging with plasticization since it is the most exposed to external influences, but at the same time, it must maintain compactness and strength in order to store the game parts inside. The result of the thesis is a prototype product of the board game Fun Fight.

Keywords:board game, materials, procedures, design, production, prototype.

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