
Oblikovanje linearne pisave in dopolnitev pisave z alternativnimi znaki
ID Rajović, Milena (Author), ID Pušnik, Nace (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pisave so pomembno orodje za vizualno komunikacijo in vplivajo na način, kako ljudje dojemajo informacije. Izdelava pisav se je skozi čas spreminjala in se še vedno razvija. V sklopu diplomskega dela je bila oblikovana linearna družina pisav morfoza. Namen diplomskega dela je bil oblikovanje linearne pisave, izdelava njenih različic in ustvarjanje alternativnih znakov, ki bi dopolnjevali pisavo. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela sta predstavljena pomen tipografije in njen vpliv na razumevanje besedila. Opisani so deli črk in metrika, ki so ključni elementi pri oblikovanju pisav. Nato smo se osredotočili na zgodovino linearnih pisav ter predstavili različne vrste teh pisav in njihovo razdelitev glede na značilnosti oblik. Opisane so smernice za oblikovanje linearnih pisav. Na koncu so predstavljene tudi dekorativne pisave, ki so značilne po svojih neobičajnih oblikah črk. V sklopu eksperimentalnega dela je podrobno opisana izdelava pisave. Opisana sta natančno oblikovanje potez in črk ter dopolnitev pisave z alternativnimi znaki. Prav tako je opisana izdelava svetle in ultra krepke različice pisave. Prikazana je določitev praznih prostorov ob črkah in prirezovalnih parov. Na koncu so opisani najpomembnejši popravki in izboljšave pri oblikovanju. V rezultatih so prikazani primeri uporabe pisave. Predstavljen je končni nabor znakov družine in opisane so tudi njene značilnosti. Čeprav je nastala pisava že ponudila širok izbor različic in znakov, smo se zavedali, da jo lahko še dodatno izboljšamo z dodajanjem novih znakov in izboljšanjem metrike. Kljub tem omejitvam smo zadovoljni z dosežki diplomskega dela.

Keywords:alternativni znaki, družina pisav, linearna pisava, tipografija, variabilna pisava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146868 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2023
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Title:Designing linear typeface and supplementing typeface with alternative characters
Typefaces are an important tool for visual communication and they influence the way we perceive information. Type design has changed over time and is still evolving. A linear type family morfoza was made in the scope of this thesis. The purpose of the thesis was to design a linear typeface, develop its variations, and create alternative characters that would complement the typeface. The theoretical part of the thesis discusses the importance of typography and its impact on text comprehension. The parts of letters and metrics, which are key elements in font design, are described. In addition, the history of linear typefaces is presented along with the different types and their classification based on the characteristics of the form. Moreover, guidelines for designing linear typeface are described. Finally, decorative typefaces are introduced, which are known for their unusual letter shapes. As part of the experimental work, the production of the typeface is described in detail. The precise design of strokes and letters is described, as well as the completion of the typeface with alternative characters. It also describes the creation of a thin and black version. The determination of letter spacing and kerning pairs is shown. Finally, the most important design fixes and improvements are described. The results section showcases examples of the typeface in use. The final set of characters of the family is shown, and its characteristics are also described. Although it already offers a wide range of variations and characters, we realized that we could further improve it by adding new characters and improving metrics. Despite these limitations, the goals of this thesis were successfully met.

Keywords:alternative characters, type family, linear typeface, typography, variable typeface

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