
Proučevanje povezave med kronološkim staranjem in avtofagijo pred in po izpostavitvi kvasovk Saccharomyces cerevisiae naravnim spojinam
ID Bajc, Miha (Author), ID Jamnik, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru magistrske naloge smo optimizirali uporabo komercialnega kompleta za detekcijo avtofagosomov pri kvasovki S. cerevisiae ter z njim opredelili aktivnost avtofagije tekom časa kultivacije. Ugotovili smo, da gojišče YPD ni primerno gojišče za spremljanje avtofagije pri kvasovki tekom časa kultivacije, medtem ko je gojišče SDC primerno. Kvasovke v fazi prilagajanja ter logaritemski fazi rasti avtofagijo vršijo skoraj nezaznavno, v stacionarni fazi rasti jo vršijo najbolj intenzivno, v fazi odmiranja manj intenzivno kot v stacionarni fazi, vendar še vedno bolj intenzivno kot v začetnih fazah gojenja. S pomočjo simulacije staranja večceličnega organizma na modelu kvasovke smo s kompletom preverili vpliv matičnega mlečka (MM) na avtofagijo in kronološko življenjsko dobo (CLS) pri kvasovki ter ugotovili, da je izpostavitev kvasovk za 48 ur MM v koncentracijah 1 g/L, 0,1 g/L in 0,01 g/L inducirala avtofagijo, ravno tako pa je izpostavitev celic vsem trem koncentracijam MM učinkovito upočasnila upadanje njihove koncentracije v kulturi. Preliminarni rezultati raziskave kažejo, da bi lahko z matičnim mlečkom preko avtofagije vplivali na življenjsko dobo pri kvasovki (zaradi evolucijske ohranjenosti regulatornih mehanizmov potencialno tudi v človeških celicah), vendar je povezava med indukcijo avtofagije in podaljšanjem kronološke življenjske dobe zaenkrat še dokaj neraziskano področje, zaradi prepletenosti z ostalimi biološkimi mehanizmi pa tudi precej kompleksno in zato potrebuje nadaljnje študije za dobro razumevanje procesa.

Keywords:avtofagija, kvasovke, staranje, CLS, živost, kultivabilnost, matični mleček, rapamicin, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, optimizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146846 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:156798723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2023
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Title:Determining the corelation between chronological ageing and autophagy before and after exposure of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to natural compounds
The aim of the thesis was to optimize the use of autophagy assay kit for detection of autophagosomes in yeast S. cerevisiae and to determine the intensity of the autophagy in yeast cells in different growth phases. We determined that the YPD medium is not suitable for tracking the autophagy with beforementioned kit and SDC medium is. In lag and exponential growth phase the process of autophagy in yeast is almost undetectable, when the culture reaches stationary growth phase, the intensity of autophagy reaches it's peak and when the cells reach the death phase, the intensity of autophagy is lower than in stationary phase but nevertheless higher than those in lag and exponential growth phase. Next we performed a simulation of ageing of a multicellular organism on a yeast model and determined the effect of royal jelly (RJ) on autophagy and chronological life span (CLS). We determined that yeast, that were exposed 48 hours to RJ in concentrations of 1 g/L, 0,1 g/L and 0,01 g/L had increased autophagy and the concentration of cells also declined slower in cultures, exposed to all three concentrations of RJ. Preliminary results of this research show that by influencing autophagy in yeast cells with RJ, their CLS can be influenced (because of the evolutionary conserved regulatory processes perhaps also in human cells), however the intertwining of the autophagy and CLS extention is nevertheless poorly explored and significantly complex, thus further research is neccesary for better understanding of the process.

Keywords:University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Master's Study Programme in Biotechnology

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