
Predstave dijakov o dedovanju
ID Pegan, Katarina (Author), ID Tomažič, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kajin, Maja (Comentor)

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Kot odgovor na izziv učenja in poučevanja kompleksnih bioloških konceptov smo znotraj za dijake zahtevnega vsebinskega sklopa biologije preverili njihove predstave, da bi učiteljem podali informacije za učinkovitejše poučevanje zahtevnih vsebin. Na podlagi analize maturitetnih rezultatov preteklih let in podatkov iz literature smo za našo raziskavo izbrali vsebinski sklop Dedovanje. Za preverjanje predstav dijakov o dedovanju smo uporabili obstoječi dvotirni diagnostični test (Tsui in Treagust, 2010), ki smo ga prevedli, prilagodili in preoblikovali v trotirni diagnostični test. Slednjega so rešili dijaki prvega in drugega letnika treh različnih splošnih gimnazij. Zbrane podatke smo analizirali z metodami opisne statistike, testiranja hipotez z ustreznimi statističnimi testi in opisno analizo. Izkazalo se je, da so dijaki drugega letnika, ki so vsebine o dedovanju že obravnavali, test uspešneje reševali od dijakov prvega letnika, prav tako so bili v pravilnost svojih odgovorov bolj prepričani. Pokazali smo tudi pozitivno korelacijo med prednostnim zanimanjem za naravoslovne predmete oz. namero po izbiri biologije za maturitetni predmet in uspehom pri reševanju testa. Odkrili smo nekatere zmotne predstave dijakov in ugotovili prevlado pomanjkljivega znanja nad zmotnimi predstavami. Poznavanje predstav je lahko učiteljem v pomoč pri pripravi učnih ur in izboljšavi kakovosti poučevanja.

Keywords:biologija, dedovanje, dijaki, predstave, trotirni diagnostični test, splošna matura
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146842 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:155752707 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Upper secondary school students' conceptions about heredity
In response to the challenge of learning and teaching complex biological concepts, we evaluated upper secondary school students’ conceptions within the content section of biology, which we found demanding for students. Based on the analysis of the previous years’ Matura examination results and the literature data, the content section chosen was Heredity. An existing two-tier diagnostic test (Tsui and Treagust, 2010) was translated, adapted, transformed into a three-tier diagnostic test, and delivered in three different schools to evaluate students’ conceptions. We analyzed the data collected using the methods of descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, and descriptive analysis. The results revealed that students who had covered the topics about heredity in school lessons already achieved better results on the test than students who had not, and they also proved more certainty about their answers. Further, we showed a positive correlation between preferential interest in science subjects or intention to choose biology as a Matura examination subject and the test results. Some students’ misconceptions were discovered, but at the same time, lack of knowledge dominated the misconceptions. Awareness of students’ conceptions can help teachers prepare lessons more effectively and improve the quality of teaching.

Keywords:biology, heredity, upper secondary school students, conceptions, three-tier diagnostic test, A levels

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