
Roza davek pri kozmetični embalaži
ID Milčin, Katerina (Author), ID Gregor Svetec, Diana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom »Roza davek pri kozmetični embalaži« se osredotoča na fenomen, imenovan roza davek, s katerim imamo v mislih prakso zaračunavanja višjih cen za izdelke, katerih ciljna potrošniška skupina so ženske, v primerjavi s podobnimi izdelki, ki so namenjeni moškim. Raziskana je korelacija med roza davkom in uporabo roza barve, ki je pogosto povezana z ženskostjo. Prikazana je tudi vloga spolne socializacije pri ohranjanju tega pojava. Da bi ugotovili obstoj roza davka v kozmetični industriji, je bila opravljena analiza trga v Severni Makedoniji in Sloveniji. Podatki so bili zbrani s spletnim vprašalnikom in v okviru razprave v fokusni skupini, z namenom, da bi pridobili vpogled potrošnikov. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je roza davek prisoten v obeh državah in da so potrošniki pripravljeni plačati več za izdelke, namenjene ženskam. Z raziskavo je bilo ugotovljeno, da fenomen roza davka postavlja vsesplošno vprašanje, povezano z njegovim vplivom na ženske v kozmetični industriji in ohranjanjem neenakosti med spoloma. Upamo in pričakujemo, da bodo v prihodnosti sprejeti ukrepi za ozaveščanje o tem vprašanju in zagotovitev, da se potrošnikom ne bodo neupravičeno po višjih cenah zaračunavali izdelki, ki temeljijo izključno na trženju glede na njihov spol.

Keywords:roza barva, roza davek, embalaža, kozmetični izdelki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146768 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Pink tax at cosmetic packaging
The bachelor thesis, entitled »Pink Tax at Cosmetic Packaging«, explores the phenomenon of Pink Tax, which is the practice of charging higher prices for products marketed to women compared to similar products marketed to men. In the study the correlation between the Pink Tax and the use of the color pink, which is often associated with femininity is investigated. The role of gender socialization in perpetuating this phenomenon was also explored. To determine the existence of the Pink Tax in the cosmetic industry, a market analysis in North Macedonia and Slovenia was conducted. The data were gathered through an online questionnaire and a focus group discussion in order to gain insights from consumers. The results of the research show that the Pink Tax is present in both countries and that consumers are willing to pay more for products marketed to women. Through the research its concluded that the Pink Tax is a pervasive issue that affects women in the cosmetic industry and perpetuates gender-based inequalities. It is hoped and expected that in the future, action will be taken to raise awareness of this issue and ensure that consumers are not unduly charged for products based solely on gender marketing, i.e., their gender.

Keywords:pink color, pink tax, packaging, cosmetic products

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