
Using The Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach (CLIL) to Teach the Nutritional Basis for Optimal Learning
ID Klinkon, Jana (Author), ID Skela, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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The Content and Language Integrated Learning approach, also known as CLIL, combines the teaching of useful content with language learning and has been proven beneficial for motivation, performance and even improved neural connections. Language teachers are in a unique position to use the CLIL method not only to improve the motivation and cooperation of students in class, but also to bestow on them important knowledge not included in the curriculum but that can help them make informed decisions regarding their lives and habits. Whereas there are many CLIL topics that can strengthen the academic performance of students, such as learning strategies or time management, the health of the brain is a crucial component of scholarly success, motivation and grit. Uninformed decisions regarding the three pillars of health, namely nutrition, exercise, and sleep, can undermine the efforts of students and slow them down in their scholarly pursuits. It is the responsibility of teachers to help put a stop to such unintended self-sabotage by stressing the importance of health and guiding students to make informed decisions regarding their health. This is why I have written my master thesis, which serves as a CLIL guide and study material source for teachers, who are interested in providing this information to students in the scope of their CLIL lessons. My thesis covers the three main pillars of health, but focuses mainly on the subject of nutrition, the importance and impact of which are often overlooked in its connection to brain health and cognitive performance. The theoretical part of my thesis covers the overview and basics of the CLIL approach, brain nutrition and nutrition in general, and it functions as the foundation of the practical part of the thesis, which consists of lesson plans and handouts that can be used in class. The material is divided into two separate parts, one for primary school students with a good language proficiency, and one for students of secondary school. The adaptation to individual student needs is encouraged.

Keywords:CLIL, EFL/ESL, nutrition, brain health, cognitive performance
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146740 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:155909379 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Uporaba pristopa CLIL za poučevanje prehranskih osnov za optimalno učenje
Celostno vsebinsko-jezikovno učenje, znano tudi kot CLIL pristop, združuje poučevanje uporabnih vsebin z učenjem tujega jezika. Izkazal se je kot koristen za motivacijo, uspešnost in celo izboljšane nevronske povezave. Učitelji tujih jezikov so v edinstvenem položaju, da uporabljajo metodo CLIL ne le z namenom izboljšanja motivacije in sodelovanja učencev pri pouku, temveč tudi da učenci pridejo v stik s pomembnimi informacijami, ki niso vključene v učni načrt, a jim lahko pomagajo pri sprejemanju odločitev o njihovem življenju in navadah. Medtem ko obstajajo številne CLIL teme, ki lahko izboljšajo akademsko uspešnost učencev, recimo učne strategije ali upravljanje časa, je zdravje možganov ključni del učnega uspeha, motivacije in vztrajnosti. Neinformirane odločitve glede področja treh temeljev zdravja, in sicer prehrane, fizične aktivnosti in spanja, lahko ogrozijo prizadevanja učencev in jih upočasnijo pri njihovih učnih dosežkih. Odgovornost učiteljev je, da pomagajo ustaviti tako nenamerno samosabotažo s poudarjanjem pomena zdravja in usmerjanjem učencev v sprejemanje premišljenih odločitev o svojem zdravju. Zato sem napisala magistrsko nalogo, ki služi kot CLIL vodnik in vir učnega gradiva za učitelje, ki želijo take informacije predstaviti svojim učencem v okviru svojih CLIL učnih ur. Magistrska naloga zajema vse tri glavne stebre zdravja, osredotoča pa se predvsem na prehrano, katere pomen in vpliv sta v povezavi z zdravjem možganov in kognitivnim delovanjem pogosto spregledana. Teoretični del magistrske naloge zajema pregled in osnove pristopa CLIL, možganom prijazne prehrane in področja prehrane nasploh. Na njem temelji praktični del magistrske naloge, ki je sestavljen iz dnevnih priprav in izročkov, ki se jih lahko uporabi v razredu. Gradivo je razdeljeno na dva dela, eden je primeren za učence osnovne šole z dobrim znanjem angleščine, eden pa uporabi v srednji šoli. Prilagoditve posameznim potrebam učencev so priporočljive.

Keywords:CLIL, angleščina kot tuji/drugi jezik, prehrana, zdravje možganov, kognitivno delovanje

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