
Vplivi salicilne kisline in njenih derivatov na rastline, škodljive in koristne organizme in njihove interakcije v okolju
ID Gačnik, Saša (Author), ID Trdan, Stanislav (Author), ID Mikulič Petkovšek, Maja (Author)

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Svetovna proizvodnja hrane je prisiljena v iska-nje novih pristopov za zaščito rastlin pred škodljivimi organiz-mi in okoljskimi dejavniki. Ena izmed alternativ, bi lahko bila uporaba salicilne kisline (SA) in njenih derivatov. Na splošno so učinki SA na primarni ravni ekosistema, vzpodbudni, saj pri-pomorejo k izboljšani produktivnosti in kakovosti številnih ra-stlin ter izboljšujejo toleranco na številne stresorje. Sekundarna raven učinkov SA v okolju predstavlja učinke na škodljive or-ganizme zaradi direktnega delovanja in tudi posrednih učinkov SA, ki nastanejo zaradi morfoloških in fizioloških sprememb, ko se rastlina prilagaja stresorjem. SA v veliko primerih vpliva na zmanjšanje okužb, na nekatere škodljivce pa deluje tudi od-vračalno. Rastline po napadu škodljivega organizma sproščajo v okolje hlapne spojine, predvsem derivate SA kot je metilirana SA (MeSA). Ta privablja naravne sovražnike škodljivcev, kar bi se lahko uvedlo v varovanje rastlin pred škodljivimi organizmi, saj je bilo ugotovljeno pri številnih vrstah, da MeSA nanje delu-je kot atraktant. Salicilati imajo zelo širok spekter delovanja, ki v okolju sprožajo različne vplive, ki se med seboj prepletajo in posledično vplivajo na več ravni v eksosistemu. V tem članku smo učinke salicilatov razdelili glede na različne nivoje v oko-lju, kar nam je dalo širši vpogled na potencialno uporabo sali-cilatov v kmetijstvu.

Keywords:salicilna kislina, metil salicilna kislina, acetil salicilna kislina, biosinteza, varstvo rastlin, sistemska inducirana odpornost
Work type:Article
Typology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Number of pages:10 str.
Numbering:Vol. 119, No. 1
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146688 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:1854-1941
COBISS.SI-ID:154787587 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.06.2023
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Acta agriculturae Slovenica
Publisher:Založba Univerze v Ljubljani
COBISS.SI-ID:219581184 This link opens in a new window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.

Secondary language

Title:Effects of salicylic acid and its derivatives on plants, harmful and beneficial organisms and their interactions in the envi-ronment
Global food production is forced to search for new approaches to protect plants from harmful organisms and environmental factors. One of the alternatives could be the use of salicylic acid (SA) and its derivatives. Overall, the effects of SA at the primary ecosystem level are encouraging, contribut-ing to improved productivity and quality of many plants and improving tolerance to many stressors. The secondary level of effects of SA in the environment represents the effects on harm-ful organisms due to direct action and also the indirect effects of SA that occur due to morphological and physiological changes when the plant adapts to stressors. In many cases, SA has the effect of reducing infections, and it also acts as a deterrent to some pests. After being attacked by a pest, plants release volatile compounds into the environment, mainly SA derivatives such as methylated SA (MeSA). This attracts the natural enemies of pests, which could be used to protect plants from pests, as MeSA has been found to act as an attractant in many species. Salicylates have a very wide spectrum of action, which trigger various effects in the environment, which intertwine with each other and consequently affect several levels in the exosystem. In this article, we divided the effects of salicylates according to different levels in the environment, which gave us a broader in-sight into the potential use of salicylates in agriculture.

Keywords:salicylic acid, methyl salicylic acid, acetyl salicylic acid, biosinthesis, induced systemic resistance, plant protection

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