
Znamčenje območij kot pristop k razvoju podeželja v Sloveniji : doktorska disertacija
ID Logar, Erik (Author), ID Potočnik Slavič, Irma (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Razpotnik Visković, Nika (Comentor)

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Znamčenje se v gospodarstvu uporablja za upravljanje s percepcijo posameznika ali skupnosti glede izdelkov ali storitev. Ker se z znamčenjem lahko spreminja tudi pogled deležnikov na območje in njegove prvine, je proces postal sestavni del spodbud in ukrepov v programih teritorialnega razvoja. Ta pristop se že več kot dve desetletji uporablja tudi pri razvoju podeželskih območij v Sloveniji, vendar se izvajanja in učinkov pristopa doslej ni celovito proučilo. Podeželje v Sloveniji je zato privlačen prostorski poligon in geografski laboratorij za raziskovanje tovrstne tematike. Doktorska disertacija znamčenje obravnava kot prostorski pojav, saj ga opazuje in vrednoti njegovo součinkovanje z območjem. Namen doktorske disertacije je proučevanje prostorskih vzorcev in pokrajinskih značilnosti znamčenja podeželskih območij v Sloveniji z vidika vzrokov in učinkov. Uporabili smo kombinacijo kvalitativnih in kvantitativnih metod: pregled literature, spletno anketiranje, metodo polstrukturiranega intervjuja, metodo seznanjanja in razprave o rezultatih z deležniki, kvalitativno analizo podatkov v računalniškem programu Atlas.ti ter metodo infografike. Rezultati so pokazali, da se procesi znamčenja razvijajo v soodvisnosti od družbenogospodarskih, strukturnih in organizacijskih lastnosti podeželskih območij. Pri proučevanju procesa smo prepoznali posebnosti, ki odstopajo od teoretskih predpostavk v strokovni literaturi: znamčenje nemalokrat namesto prostorsko uravnoteženega razvoja spodbuja nastanek razvojnih razlik, pri izvajanju namesto celovite usmeritve prevlada sektorska, ukrepi pa so vsebinsko neusklajeni in nepovezani. Deležniki so za sodelovanje nizko motivirani, s tem je povezana tudi prevlada sprejemanja odločitev od zgoraj navzdol.

Keywords:podeželje, razvoj podeželja, gospodarski razvoj, zavarovana območja, Slovenija
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Logar]
Number of pages:VI, 166 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146677 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:153210371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Place branding as an approach to the development of rural areas in Slovenia
In business, branding is used to manage an individual’s or community’s perception of products or services. Because branding can change stakeholders’ view of both a geographical area and its elements, the process has become an integral part of approaches and mechanisms in territorial development programs. Place branding has been used in such a manner for more than two decades as an approach to developing rural areas in Slovenia, but its implementation and effects have not been comprehensively studied so far. Rural areas in Slovenia are thus an attractive “geographical laboratory” for investigating those topics. This dissertation treats place branding as a spatial phenomenon: it observes and evaluates the process in interaction with the geographical area. The aim of the dissertation is to study the spatial patterns and regional characteristics of the place branding of rural areas in Slovenia from the viewpoint of causes and effects. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods is used: a literature review, an online survey, a semi-structured interview, a method of presenting and discussing the results with stakeholders, qualitative data analysis using Atlas.ti software, and an infographic method. The results show that place-branding processes develop in interdependence with the socioeconomic, structural, and organizational characteristics of rural areas. The research identifies features that differ from the theoretical concept in the literature: in Slovenia, place branding usually contributes to the emergence of differences in territorial development instead of a spatially balanced developmental process; implementation of the process is dominated by sectoral rather than comprehensive orientation; and individual tasks and approaches are uncoordinated and poorly connected. Stakeholders are not motivated to cooperate, and this also results in the prevalence of top-down decision-making.

Keywords:rural areas, development of rural areas, economic development, protected areas, Slovenia

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