
Histerija, tableau vivant in metafora znanosti
ID Smrekar, Eva (Author), ID Vidrih, Rebeka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Dolar Bahovec, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Moder, Gregor (Comentor), ID Kolenc, Bara (Comentor)

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Izhodišče naloge je zastavljeno v pedagoško ter klinično delovanje bolnišnice Salpêtrière v drugi polovici 19. stoletja v Parizu, kjer je skupina pionirjev na področju moderne nevrologije s hipnozo, javnimi demonstracijami ter izdajanjem fotografskih albumov izdelala specifičen znanstveni aparat produkcije ter spektakularizacije histero-epilepsije. Pričujoče delo analizo različnih praks ovekovečenja, dokumentiranja in uprizarjanja prisilnega kataleptičnega stanja ter somnambulizma histeričnega napada umešča v širše koncipiranje modernega (ženskega) telesa na preseku med performativom, likovnim emblemom in klasifikacijskim objektom, ki se skozi nalogo razkiva znotraj konstitucije estetsko-političnega režima tableauja: slike, gledališkega prizora in informacijske tabele.

Keywords:histerija, Salpêtrière, tableau, režim, imitacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146494 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:156536835 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.06.2023
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Title:Hysteria, Tableau Vivant and the Metaphor of Science
This thesis takes as its starting point the pedagogical and clinical practice of the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris in the second half of the 19th century, where a group of pioneers in the field of modern neurology developed a specific scientific apparatus for the production and spectacularization of hystero-epilepsy through hypnosis, public demonstrations and publications of photographic albums of their patients. The research situates the analysis of different practices of documenting and staging the compulsive cataleptic state and the somnambulism of the hysterical attack within a broader conception of the modern (female) body at the intersection between a performative, a visual emblem and a classificatory object, which unfolds within the constitution of the aesthetico-political regime of the tableau: a painting, a theatrical scene and a table.

Keywords:hysteria, Salpêtrière, tableau, regime, imitation

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