
Kaznovanje strank v pravdnih postopkih s primerjavo hrvaške ureditve
ID Puhov, Iva (Author), ID Kramberger Škerl, Jerca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga obravnava tematiko kaznovanja strank v pravdnih postopkih in primerjavo s hrvaško ureditvijo tega vprašanja. Uvodoma je splošno predstavljena ureditev kaznovanja strank v Zakonu o pravdnem postopku, njen namen in razlogi, zakaj je ta problematika aktualna. Predstavljena so tudi temeljna načela civilnega postopka, ki so podlaga za kaznovanje, in hipoteza, da kljub temu da je ta institut še vedno potreben v našem pravnem prostoru, bi morali sodna in zakonodajna veja oblasti nadaljevati z njegovim razvojem, intenzivneje urediti in uporabiti druge načine za dosego istih ciljev ter vzpostaviti mehanizme za okrepitev zaupanja javnosti v sodstvo. Ugotavljanju, ali je slovenska ureditev kaznovanja strank primerna in učinkovita, služi tudi primerjava s hrvaško ureditvijo, pospremljena s predlogi morebitnih izboljšav in razvoja tega instituta. Jedro magistrske naloge se sprva osredotoči na predstavitev ustavnih pravic, ki so povezane z obravnavanim vprašanjem, nato pa se preusmeri na zakonsko ureditev v Zakonu o pravdnem postopku, in sicer na 11., 109. in 304. člen, ki so opremljeni tudi s sodno prakso ter komentarjem o njihovi primernosti. Temu sledi še poglavje o hrvaški ureditvi, ki vsebuje analizo relevantnih zakonskih členov, ki so opremljeni s povzetki sodne prakse in ugotovitvami iz primerjave s slovenskim pravnim redom. Predstavljena stališča bralcu omogočajo sklep, kako se lahko učinkovito doseže cilj vzdrževanja avtoritete in ugleda sodstva ob pomoči ustreznih zakonskih procesnih institutov, kakšno vlogo imajo posamezni udeleženci postopka in tudi zunanji akterji, kakšne so prednosti in slabosti posameznih pravnih ureditev ter seznanitev z napotki za nadaljnji razvoj tega instituta.

Keywords:kaznovanje, denarna kazen, pravdni postopek, civilno procesno pravo, zloraba procesnih pravic, žalitev sodišča, vzdrževanje reda na glavni obravnavi, analiza sodne prakse, primerjava s hrvaško ureditvijo, avtoriteta in ugled sodstva
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146459 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158428675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The sanctioning of parties in civil proceedings with the comparison with the Croatian legislation
The master's thesis deals with the subject of the sanctioning of the parties in civil litigation and a comparison with the Croatian rules of this issue. In the introduction, the rules on the sanctioning of the parties in the Civil Procedure Act, their purpose and the reasons why this issue is relevant are generally presented. The fundamental principles of civil procedure, which are the basis for the sanctioning, are also presented, and the hypothesis is put forward that, despite the fact that this institute is still necessary in our legal system, the judicial and legislative branches of power should continue its development, regulate it more intensively and use other methods to achieve the same goals and establish mechanisms to strengthen the public's trust in the judiciary. In order to determine whether the Slovenian system of the sanctioning of the parties is appropriate and effective, a comparison with the Croatian system is used and accompanied by suggestions of possible improvements and development of this institution. The core of the master's thesis initially focuses on the presentation of constitutional rights related to this issue, and then shifts to the legal regulation in the Civil Procedure Act, namely Articles 11, 109 and 304, which are also complemented by case law and comments on their suitability. This is followed by a chapter on the Croatian system, which contains an analysis of the relevant legal articles, and is also equipped with summaries of case law and conclusions from the comparison with the Slovenian legal order. The presented viewpoints enable the reader to conclude how the goal of maintaining the authority and reputation of the judiciary can be effectively achieved with the help of relevant legal procedural institutes, what role individual participants in the proceedings and the external actors play, what are the advantages and disadvantages of different legal rules, and finally get acquainted with the suggestions for the further development of this institute.

Keywords:sanctioning, fine, civil procedure, civil procedural law, abuse of procedural rights, insulting the court, maintenance of order at the main hearing, analysis of case law, comparison with the Croatian system, authority and reputation of the judiciary

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