
Kratkotrajni učinki obremenitve dlani na njihovo temperaturo pri vesi in opori : doktorska disertacija
ID Šibanc, Karmen (Author), ID Pušnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pajek, Maja (Comentor)

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Orodna telovadba je telesna dejavnost, katere vsebine se pogosto uporabljajo pri različnih vadbah in z različnimi nameni (izboljšanje telesne pripravljenosti, zdravljenja po poškodbah itd.). V znanosti o športu in telesni vadbi narašča tudi uporaba termografije. Namen raziskave je bil preveriti, kako različne kratkotrajne obremenitve vplivajo na temperaturo roke po vesi, opori in stoji na rokah ter kolebih v vseh treh položajih., kjer so roke glede na telo v različnem odnosu. Podrejeni cilj raziskave je bil preveriti, če telesne nesomernosti kakorkoli vplivajo na razlike v temperaturah po obremenitvi. Meritve so potekale na Univerzi v Ljubljani, Fakulteti za šport. Sodelovalo je 38 zdravih polnoletnih študentov in študentk. Slikanje s termokamero je bilo izvedeno po šestih obremenitvah, izmerjen je bil obseg dlani s palcem in brez ter slikanje rok. Opravljene so bile meritve antropometrije s 3D čitalcem za telo, meritve telesne sestave z uporabo bioelektrične impedančne razčlenitve s sistemom InBody 720 ter izmerjene debeline kože z visokofrekvenčnim ultrazvokom. Podatki so bili urejeni in obdelani v programih ResearchIR, Microsoft Excel in SPSS. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se je temperatura roke po vseh šestih obremenitvah znižala, nato pa zvišala nad temperaturo pred obremenitvijo. Temperatura roke po dinamični obremenitvi začne naraščati počasneje kot po statični obremenitvi, naraste bolj in povečane vrednosti trajajo dlje. 5 minut po obremenitvi so vrednosti še vedno višje kot pred obremenitvijo. Različne obremenitve različno vplivajo na temperaturo posameznih delov roke, kar kaže na različno vlogo delov roke pri prenašanju obremenitve. Telesne nesomernosti niso vplivale na temperaturne razlike rok po obremenitvi.

Keywords:temperatura dlani, statična obremenitev, dinamična obremenitev, termografija, telesne značilnosti
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146377 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:154300675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.05.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Short-term effects of palm load on the palm temperature in hang and support
Artistic gymnastics is an physical activity whose content is often used in various forms of exercises and with various intentions (part of treatment after injuries, etc.). Thermography is also increasingly used in sports and exercise science. The purpose of this study was to investigate how different short-term loads affect the temperature of the hand after hanging, supporting and holding a handstand, and swinging in all three positions. These are the three basic positions of artistic gymnastics where the hands are in a different relationship with the body. A secondary goal of the study was to determine if body asymmetries affected post-exercise temperature differences in any way. The measurements took place at the Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana. 38 healthy adult students med and women participated. After six loads, images were taken with a thermal imaging camera, the circumference of the palm with and without the thumb was measured, and photos of the hands were taken. Anthropometry was measured with a 3D body scanner, body composition was measured with bioelectrical impedance analysis of the InBody 720 system, and skin thickness was measured with high-frequency ultrasound. The data were edited and processed in ResearchIR, Microsoft Excel, and SPSS programmes. It was found that the hand temperature decreased after all six loads and then increased above the preload temperature. Hand temperature begins to increase more slowly after dynamic loading than after static loading, it increases more and the increased values last longer. 5 minutes after loading, the values are still higher than before loading. Different loads have different effects on the temperature of different parts of the hand, indicating the different roles of the parts of the hand in carrying the load. Asymmetries of the body had no effect on the temperature differences in the hand after loading.

Keywords:Palm temperature, static load, dynamic load, thermography, physical characteristics

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