
Razširjenost uporabe instrumenta lokacijske preveritve v slovenskih občinah : magistrsko delo št.: 46/II. PN
ID Gantar, Nataša (Author), ID Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alma (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Foški, Mojca (Comentor)

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Magistrska naloga obravnava razširjenost uporabe instrumenta lokacijske preveritve v slovenskih občinah. Prostorski razvoj občin je opredeljen v prostorskih aktih občin, vendar so postopki njihovega sprejemanja praviloma časovno potratni, posledično pa je tudi odzivnost na morebitne nove potrebe v prostoru počasna. Tak način urejanja prostora je precej tog. Praksa je skozi čas pokazala, da se pojavljajo potrebe po določeni meri prožnosti v prostorskem načrtovanju in možnosti prilagajanja konkretnim investicijskim potrebam. Z instrumentom lokacijske preveritve lahko občine na podlagi posameznih potreb v prostoru izvedejo manjše spremembe izvedbene regulacije prostora. Zaradi ohranjanja posamične poselitve lahko preoblikujejo ali spremenijo obseg stavbnih zemljišč, kot so določena v OPN in prilagodijo prostorske izvedbene pogoje. Za doseganje namena gradnje lahko dopustijo individualno odstopanje od prostorskih izvedbenih pogojev, kot so določeni v OPN. Omogočijo lahko tudi začasno rabo prostora z namenom smotrne rabe ter aktivacije zemljišč in objektov, ki niso v uporabi. Razširjenost uporabe instrumenta lokacijske preveritve smo proučevali na podlagi podatkov, pridobljenih s strani ministrstva, pristojnega za prostor in anketnega vprašalnika, poslanega vsem slovenskim občinam. Podatke smo obdelali ter se opredelili do razširjenosti uporabe ter tudi nekaterih drugih ugotovitev. Za boljše razumevanje lokacijske preveritve smo izdelali tudi elaborat lokacijske preveritve za izbrano testno območje.

Keywords:geodezija, magistrska dela, PN, lokacijska preveritev, občina, stavbna zemljišča, prostorski izvedbeni pogoji, začasna raba prostora, ministrstvo, OPN
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Gantar]
Number of pages:XVI, 49 str., [36] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146143-41e93226-024e-61c8-194e-ebf29f5bb8e9 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:152868611 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.05.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The widespread use of the site verification instrument in Slovenian municipalities : master thesis no.: 46/II. PN
The master's thesis deals with the prevalence of the widespread use of the site verification instrument in Slovenian municipalities. Spatial development of municipalities is defined by the production of spatial acts but the process of changing spatial planning acts is normally very time-consuming. Changes to spatial acts, even with the prescribed procedures, are generally time-consuming, and as a result, responsiveness to potential new needs in the space is also slow. This way of organizing the space is quite rigid. Over time, practice has shown that there is a need for a certain degree of forecasting in spatial planning and the possibility of adaptation to specific investment needs. With the site verification instrument, municipalities can make minor changes to the implementation of the space based on individual needs in the environment. In order to preserve individual settlements, they can transform or change the extent of building land, as specified in the OPN and adjust the spatial implementation conditions. In order to achieve the construction purpose, individual deviations from the spatial execution conditions may be permitted, as specified in the OPN. They can also enable the temporary use of space for the purpose of efficient use and activation of land and buildings that are not in use. The prevalence of the site verification instrument was studied on the basis of data obtained from the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and a survey questionnaire, which was sent to all Slovenian municipalities. We have processed all the data and form an opinion about the widespread use of the site verification instrument and other findings. We made study of the site verification instrument for specific testing area to better understand the process.

Keywords:geodesy, master thesis, site verification instrument, municipalities, building land, spatial implementation conditions, temporary use of space, ministry, OPN

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