
Vpliv pandemije Covid-19 na družine s šoloobveznimi otroki : magistrsko delo
ID Potočnik, Jasmina (Author), ID Krek, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pandemija covida-19 je močno spremenila način življenja ter v ljudeh povzročila ogromno negotovosti in strahu. Novonastala situacija v družbi je zahtevala številne prilagoditve posameznikov na dogajanje, tako odraslih kot tudi otrok. Zaradi preventivnih ukrepov, ki so se izvajali in so bili sprejeti med razglasitvijo vrha pandemije, se je močno spremenil vsakdanjik družin. Mnogi starši so ostali brez zaposlitve, bili napoteni na čakanje na delo ali pa so delali od doma, kar je še dodatno vplivalo na njihovo počutje in duševno zdravje. Ob tem pa so bili zaradi zapiranja šol primorani poskrbeti še za otroke, ki so se med tem šolali na daljavo. Temeljni namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kako so se družine s šoloobveznimi otroki spopadale s šolanjem na daljavo in zajezitvenimi ukrepi. Zanimalo me je, kakšna so bila opažanja učiteljev po večmesečni vrnitvi učencev v razrede ter kakšen je bil vpliv zajezitvenih ukrepov v šoli na učence in njihovo počutje ter vedenje. Zanimal me je tudi vpogled svetovalnih delavcev na težave, ki so jih družine imele med zaprtjem šol, in izzivi, ki so nastopili zaradi novih zajezitvenih ukrepov v šolah. Rezultati so pokazali, da je imel največji vpliv na družino in njeno dinamiko ravno ukrep šolanja na daljavo. Pridobljeni rezultati so pokazali, da so bili učenci v začetni fazi zadovoljni z ukrepom šolanja na daljavo, vendar se je nato začelo kazati, da učenci nujno potrebujejo socialni stik in druženje. Pokazale so se še druge pomanjkljivosti in težave, povezane z organizacijo in uporabo informacijsko-komunikacijske (IKT) tehnologije. Zaradi šolanja na daljavo so otroci več časa preživeli za ekrani. Nekateri starši so v začetku poročali o strahu glede bolezni in situacije, drugim pa je v začetni fazi odgovarjalo ostati doma. Po določenem času so se že začele pojavljati težave, povezane z organizacijo in usklajevanja šole na daljavo, službe in ostalih obveznosti. Starši so sami zaznali, da se otroci ne počutijo dobro, saj jim manjka družbeni stik z vrstniki. Po vrnitvi v razrede je bila velika večina staršev zaskrbljena zaradi testiranja in cepljenja. Učiteljem je bilo najtežje v začetni fazi, saj so bili večinoma prepuščeni svoji avtonomiji, smernice in navodila ministrstva pa so zamujala in prihajala prepozno. Po določenem času so s sodelovanjem in vzpostavitvijo IKT pripomočkov lažje izvajali pouk. Pojavile pa so se težave na drugih področjih, saj so ugotovili, da je motivacija otrok na drugi strani močno padla. Tudi svetovalni delavci so opažali upad motivacije za delo, po vrnitvi v razrede pa velik primanjkljaj na več področjih. Prav tako je bil izziv načrtovanje pouka ob upoštevanju preventivnih ukrepov v šoli. Tudi ravnatelji so se v tem času spoprijemali z obilico dodatnega dela, ki so ga prinesle nove omejitve, ob tem pa so se morali še več posvečati staršem, saj so ti imeli več dilem, vprašanj in pripomb.

Keywords:pandemija, covid-19, zajezitveni ukrepi, izobraževanje na daljavo, šoloobvezni otroci, družinska dinamika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Potočnik
Number of pages:74 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146122 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:153033219 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.05.2023
POTOČNIK, Jasmina, 2023, Vpliv pandemije Covid-19 na družine s šoloobveznimi otroki : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : J. Potočnik. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Families with School-age Children
The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly changed the way of life and caused a lot of uncertainty and fear in people. The newly created situation in society required many adaptations of individuals to what was happening, both adults and children. As a result of the preventive measures implemented and adopted during the declaration of the peak of the pandemic, the everyday life of families has changed significantly. Many parents were left either without a job, or were sent to wait for work or worked from home, which further affected their well-being and mental health. At the same time, due to the closing of the schools, they were also forced to take care of the children who were studying remotely. The basic purpose of the master's thesis was to find out how families with school-age children coped with distance education and with containment measures. I was interested in what the teachers' observations were after the students returned to classes for several months, and what was the impact of the containment measures in the school on the students and their well-being and behaviour. I was also interested in the counsellors’ insight into the problems that families had during school closures and the challenges that arose due to the new containment measures in schools. The results show that the distance education measure had the greatest impact on the family and its dynamics. The obtained results showed that in the initial phase the students were satisfied with the distance learning measure, but over time it began to appear that the students urgently need social contact and companionship. There were other shortcomings and problems related to the organization and use of ICT technology. Due to home schooling, the time spent in front of screens has increased. Certain parents initially reported fear regarding the disease itself and the situation, while others were advised to stay at home in the initial phase. After a certain time, problems related to the organization and coordination of distance school, work and other obligations began to appear. The parents themselves perceived that the children did not feel well, as they lacked social contact with their peers. After returning to classrooms, the vast majority of parents were concerned about testing and vaccinations. On the part of the teachers, it was the most difficult in the initial phase, as they were mostly left to their own autonomy, and the guidelines and instructions from the Ministry were delayed and arrived too late. After a certain period of time, it became easier to carry out lessons through cooperation and the establishment of ICT tools. However, problems arose in other areas, as they found that the children's motivation, on the other hand, fell sharply. Counselled workers also noticed a decline in motivation for work, and after returning to classes a large deficit in several areas. It was also a challenge to plan lessons while taking into account preventive measures in the school. At the same time, the principals also had to deal with a lot of additional work brought about by the new restrictions, and at the same time, they were able to devote more time to the parents, since they were the only ones who had more dilemmas, questions and comments.

Keywords:pandemic, covid-19, containment measures, distance education, school-aged children, family dynamics

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