
Značilnosti in izzivi partnerske zveze v obdobju mlade odraslosti : magistrsko delo
ID Cvitanič, Eva (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Eden od pokazateljev vstopa v obdobje mlade odraslosti je prestop iz nestabilnih partnerskih razmerij v dolgoročno partnerstvo. Stabilno in dolgoročno partnerstvo od posameznika zahteva motivacijo za delo na partnerskem razmerju, tudi v trenutkih večjih preprek, izzivov in napetosti. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo kvalitativne raziskave psihološko-fenomenološke metode, v kateri je sodelovalo osem mladih odraslih, ugotavljali, kako posamezniki, ki zase pravijo, da so v stabilnem partnerstvu, razvijajo svojo zvezo v povezavi z razvojnimi nalogami mladega odraslega ter kako se soočajo s konflikti in z izzivi. Mladi odrasli v stabilnem partnerstvu občutijo varnost in povezanost. Na svoje razmerje gledajo dolgoročno, s partnerjem si delita enake cilje o prihodnosti svoje družine ter zmoreta uravnavati svojo željo po avtonomiji in potrebo po prilagajanju v partnerskem odnosu. Mladi odrasli v stabilnih partnerskih razmerjih najuspešnejše doživljajo razvojni nalogi doseganja psihološke avtonomije ter čustvene stabilnosti, s pomočjo katere so v odnosu zmožni ohranjati osebno integriteto, se zavestno odločajo za odprt in spoštljiv dialog ter so sposobni postaviti zdrave meje v odnosu. V napetih situacijah zmorejo svoja čustva regulirati in obvladovati. Doseženi razvojni nalogi omogočata uspešno reševanje konfliktov in soočanje z izzivi v partnerstvu. Uspešnost zveze temelji na dobrem poznavanju partnerja in delu na odnosu, predvsem s pogovorom in samorefleksijo. Mladim odraslim se zdi pomembno, da imata s partnerjem svoj lasten intimni prostor, ki omogoča postavljanje lastnih pravil, meja in navad v odnosu. Mladi odrasli v stabilnih razmerjih se čutijo bivanjsko in finančno preskrbljeni, pri tem nimajo potrebe po občutku popolne bivanjske in finančne samostojnosti. Vsa finančna sredstva obravnavajo kot skupen finančni prihodek. V obdobju mlade odraslosti so zaznali potrebo po preureditvi družbenih in socialnih vlog. Na prvo mesto postavljajo vlogo partnerja, zatem karierno in nato prijateljsko vlogo.

Keywords:mlada odraslost, stabilen partnerski odnos, razvojne naloge v obdobju mlade odraslosti, konflikti v partnerski zvezi, izzivi v partnerski zvezi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana ; Maribor
Publisher:[E. Cvitanič]
Number of pages:VI, 107, II str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146025 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:153435907 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.05.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Characteristics and challenges of a romantic relationship in young adults
One of the indicators of entering the period of young adulthood is the transition from unstable relationships to a long-term relationship. A stable and long-term relationship requires an individual’s motivation to work on the relationship, even in moments of major obstacles, challenges and tension. In the empirical part, we used a qualitative research method called psychological-phenomenological approach, in which eight young adults participated, to determine how individuals who say they are in a stable relationship develop their relationship in connection with the developmental tasks of young adulthood and how they deal with conflicts and challenges. Young adults in stable relationships feel secure and connected. They view their relationship in the long term, share the same goals for the future of their family with their partner, and are able to balance their desire for autonomy and the need to adapt in the relationship. Young adults in stable relationships experience the developmental tasks of achieving psychological autonomy and emotional stability most successfully. Through this, they are able to maintain personal integrity in the relationship, consciously decide to have an open and respectful dialogue, and are capable of setting healthy boundaries in the relationship. They are able to regulate and manage their emotions in tense situations. Achieving these developmental tasks enables successful conflict resolution and coping with challenges in the relationship. The success of a relationship is based on knowing your partner well and working on the relationship, especially through conversation and self-reflection. Young adults find it important to have their own intimate space with their partner, which allows them to set their own rules, boundaries, and habits in the relationship. Young adults in stable relationships feel that they are provided for in terms of housing and finances without the need for complete financial and existential independence. All financial resources are considered as a shared income. In young adulthood, they perceive the need to rearrange social roles and responsibilities. The partner role is placed first, followed by the career and then the friend role.

Keywords:young adulthood, stable relationship, developmental tasks in the period of young adulthood, conflicts in relationships, challenges in relationships

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