
Pregled stanja točk državnih trigonometričnih mrež na izbranem območju v okolici Ormoža : diplomska naloga št.: 133/TUN
ID Zorjan, Maša (Author), ID Triglav Čekada, Mihaela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kogoj, Dušan (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi smo preverjali stanje trigonometričnih mrež I., II., III. in IV. reda ter navezovalnih, poligonskih in fotogrametričnih oslonilnih točk v okolici Ormoža. Obravnavano območje lahko opišemo kot ruralno gričevnato območje, kjer prevladujejo njive in vinogradi. Na izbranem območju smo pregledali 94 točk, od katerih smo jih našli 34 (36 %), ostale so bile uničene (25 točk - 27 %) ali jih nismo našli (35 točk - 37 %). Večina najdenih trigonometričnih točk je stabiliziranih z betonskim ali granitnim kamnom, nekaj točk je označenih z zvoniki cerkva ali kapel. Med cerkvenimi zvoniki ali kapelami smo ugotovili, da so jih 5 od 9 (55 %) po letu 2006 obnovili, kar pomeni, da bi njihove koordinate morali pred ponovno uporabo na novo določiti. Iz analize najdenih točk smo ugotovili, da se največje število najdenih točk nahaja ob cesti oziroma v urbanih območjih. Najmanj najdenih točk pa se je nahajalo v gozdnatem ali zaraščenem območju in na območju vinogradov. Na obravnavanem območju se nahaja še cerkev v Jeruzalemu, kjer lahko sledimo geodetski izmeri že vse od let 1762–1767 naprej, ko je bila ta lokacija vključena v Liesganigovo trigonometrično izmero dunajskega meridiana.

Keywords:geodezija, diplomska naloga, VSŠ, TUN, trigonometrične mreže, trigonometrične točke, ohranjenost točk, Ormož
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Zorjan]
Number of pages:XI, 33 str., 59 str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145636-fb03482b-960e-77a8-7222-67687ef6687a This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:150844419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The current status of national trigonometric network marks for selected area of Ormož : graduation thesis no.: 133/TUN
In the diploma thesis we checked the preservation rate of the trigonometric networks marks of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th order, as well as of the tie, polygon and photogrammetric control points in the vicinity of city of Ormož. The area under consideration can be described as a rural hilly area dominated by arable land and vineyards. In the selected area, 94 locations were examined, of which 34 (36 %) were found, the rest were destroyed (25 points - 27 %) or not found (35 points - 37 %). Most of the trigonometric points found are stabilised by concrete or granite stones, a few points are marked by church bell towers or chapels. Among the church bell towers or chapels, we found that 55 % (5 out of 9) have been restored since 2006, which means that their coordinates would have to be redefined before being used. The analysis of the found points shows, that the highest number of still preserved points are located along the roads or in urban areas, the smaller number in forested or overgrown areas and in vineyards. In this area there is also the church in Jerusalem, where a trigonometric surveys can be traced back to years 1762–1767, when this location was included in Liesganig's trigonometric survey of the Vienna meridian.

Keywords:geodesy, graduation thesis, Trigonometric networks, trigonometric points, preservation of points, Ormož

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