
Odnos staršev do problemskih tem v književnih delih : magistrsko delo
ID Hribar, Blažka (Author), ID Petek, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Odnos staršev do problemskih tem v književnih delih je pomemben, saj so oni tisti, ki v večini primerov ustvarjajo zadržke do posameznega bralnega gradiva. Starši močno vplivajo na otrokovo bralno pismenost, dostop do knjig, količino in kakovost branja z otrokom in spodbude, ki jih otrok prejema. Njihov odnos se prenaša na pedagoške delavce, ki se srečujejo s pritiski in z vprašanji o svoji strokovni avtonomiji, ali lahko v šolsko delo vključujejo tudi zahtevnejše vsebine. V ta namen smo v magistrskem delu preučevali odnos staršev do problemskih tem v književnih delih, da bi starši bolje spoznali pomen problemske književnosti, učitelji opustili zadržke o odnosu staršev do omenjenih knjig in da bi otroci posledično za branje imeli na voljo več kakovostnega in raznovrstnega bralnega gradiva. Cilj raziskave je ugotoviti, kakšen odnos imajo starši otrok od 1. do 5. razreda do problemskih tem v književnih delih, katere problemske teme so po njihovem mnenju primerne oziroma neprimerne, katere so primernejše za obravnavo v domačem okolju, s katerimi pomisleki se spopadajo pri vključevanju književnih del s problemskimi temami v otrokovo branje in kaj je zanje sploh problemsko besedilo. V raziskavi smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo in kvantitativni pristop s pomočjo spletnega anketnega vprašalnika. V namenski vzorec je bilo vključenih 233 staršev otrok od 1. do 5. razreda. Rezultati so pokazali, da več kot polovica staršev problemsko besedilo razume kot besedilo, ki obravnava problemske teme, kot so npr. smrt, spolnost in nasilje. Na splošno imajo starši pozitiven odnos do problemskih tem v otroški in mladinski književnosti, saj se približno polovica staršev o omenjeni problematiki pogosto pogovarja oziroma občasno z otrokom tudi bere knjige. Omenimo še, da starši v več kot polovici primerov tako književnost z otroki bere, ko začutijo, da je potrebno, npr. stiska, dogodki iz šole itn. Problemske teme, ki so v književnosti za otroke od 1. do 5. razreda zelo dobrodošle in imajo večinsko podporo staršev, so knjige na tematiko otrok s posebnimi potrebami, revščine in drugačnega sveta. Kot manj primerne izstopajo vsebine o samomoru, istospolnem partnerstvu in nasilju. Starši nobene izmed tem niso izrazito poudarili kot primerne za obravnavo le v domačem okolju. Anketiranci so izpostavili tudi svoje pomisleke, ki jih imajo pri problemskih temah v književnih delih. Pomisleka, ki sta najbolj izstopala in ju je izpostavila kar polovica staršev, sta kakovost knjig s problemsko tematiko in strokovna usposobljenost učitelja za obravnavo knjige v šolskem okolju. Ugotovili smo, da večina staršev otrokom knjižno izbiro prepusti oziroma jim pri tem pomagajo, saj so obiski knjižnice v večini primerov skupni. Raziskovali smo tudi, ali na odnos staršev do problemskih tem v književnih delih vplivajo njihovo število otrok, njihovo poklicno področje ali njihov spol. Rezultati so pokazali, da vpliva na odnos staršev le njihov spol, saj ženske večkrat z otroki berejo knjige o problemski problematiki, ko to začutijo, kot moški. Oblikovali smo tudi praktična priporočila, ki bodo v pomoč staršem pri izbiri kakovostne problemske književnosti. Namen priporočil je opolnomočiti starše, da bodo pogumneje posegli po problemskih tematikah za njihove otroke in jim omenjene knjige priporočili v branje.

Keywords:problemske teme, odnos, starši, tabu, mladinska književnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Kamnik
Publisher:[B. Hribar]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (73 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145632 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:150972163 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Parents' Attitudes Towards Problem Themes in Literary Works
The attitude of parents towards problem topics in literature is important, as they are the ones who often have doubts about certain children’s books. Parents have a strong influence on a child's literacy, access to books, quantity, and quality of reading with their child, and the encouragement that the child receives. Their attitude is transmitted to teachers, who face pressure and questions about their professional autonomy, and whether they can include more demanding content in their schoolwork. In this thesis, we studied the attitude of parents towards problem topics in literary works to help parents better understand the importance of problem literature, for teachers to abandon their concerns about the attitude of parents towards these books, and for children to have access to more quality and diverse reading materials. The aim of the research is to determine the attitude of parents of children from 1st to 5th grade towards problem topics in literary works, which problem topics they consider suitable or unsuitable, which are more suitable for discussion in the home environment, what concerns they have when including literary works with problem themes in a child's reading, and what constitutes a problematic text for them. We used a descriptive method and a quantitative approach through an online questionnaire. The sample included 233 parents of children from 1st to 5th grade. The results showed that more than half of the parents understood problematic texts as texts that deal with problem topics such as death, sexuality, and violence. Generally, parents have a positive attitude towards problem topics in children's and youth literature, as about half of the parents frequently or occasionally talk to their children about these issues or read books with them. It should be noted that in more than half of the cases, parents read such literature with their children when they feel that it is necessary due to issues such as distress, school events, etc. The problem topics that are very welcome in children's literature from 1st to 5th grade and have the majority support of parents are books about children with special needs, poverty, and a different world. Topics considered less suitable include suicide, same-sex partnerships, and violence. None of the topics were explicitly mentioned by the parents as only suitable for discussion at home. The respondents also expressed their reservations about problem topics in literary works. The two most outstanding concerns, expressed by half of the parents, were the quality of books with problem themes and the teacher's professional competence to handle these books in a school environment. We found that most parents leave the choice of books to their children or help them with it, as library visits are usually a joint activity. We also explored whether the attitude of parents towards problematic topics in literary works is influenced by the number of children, their professional field, or their gender. The results showed that the attitude of parents is only influenced by their gender, as women more often read books on problematic topics with their children when they feel it is necessary, compared to men. We also formulated practical recommendations that will help parents choose quality problem-oriented literature. The purpose of the recommendations is to empower parents to courageously delve into problem themes for their children and recommend these books for them to read.

Keywords:problem themes, attitude, parents, taboo, youth literature

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