
Trajnostni principi poročnih oblek
ID Mencin, Eva (Author), ID Zupin, Živa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Trajnostni princip v tekstilstvu je v zadnjem desetletju med glavnimi nalogami za boljšo razvojno usmeritev ohranjanja naravnih virov za prihodnost. Ena od velikih onesnaževalcev okolja je tudi hitra moda, ki je cenovno dostopna, proizvaja velike količine oblačil, ki jih potrošniki hitro zavržejo. S tem se kopičijo velike količine tekstilnih odpadkov na deponijah. Pojavljajo se alternativne rešitve, kako predelati tekstilne odpadke. Neuporabni tekstil se predela s sosežigom, kar omogoča pridobivanje energije, lahko ga zbiramo in nato sortiramo za socialno šibkejše, uporabimo za termično izolacijo, lahko pa s pomočjo kreativnega recikliranja iz odpadnih oblačil in tekstilij izdelamo nova oblačila ter ostale izdelke. Trajnost in ekološka ozaveščenost sta pomembni tudi v poročni modi, tako pri uporabljenih materialov, kot tudi v porabi materiala in ponovni uporabi izdelkov ter oblačil. Trajnostna poročna oblačila oblikujemo po več principih, kot sta upciklaža, reciklaža in krojenje brez odpadka. V diplomskem delu smo reciklirali staro poročno obleko in izdelali novo, sodobno poročno obleko. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je opisana zgodovina poročnih oblek od samega začetka do danes, izpostavljene so tudi najpopularnejše poročne obleke v različnih časovnih obdobjih. Predstavljeni so pomen in simbolika, najznamenitejše poročne obleke ter trajnostni principi oblikovanja oblačil in razlika med butično ter konfekcijsko izdelavo. Predelava osnovne obleke v novo in potek tehnoloških operacij sta opisana v eksperimentalnem delu. Namen diplomskega dela je preoblikovati staro poročno obleko v novo sodobno, moderno obleko s čim večjim izkoristkom obstoječega materiala in s čim manjšim dodajanjem novega. Navdih za novo obleko je črpan iz elegantnih in preprostih linij letošnjih modnih trendov poročnih kolekcij. Izdelava nove poročne obleke je predstavljena s skico in tehnično skico s tehnološkim opisom, kosovnico, predstavljeni so izdelava krojev in modelacija ter tehnološki plan končnega izdelka. Modelirane krojne dele obleke smo skrojili iz stare poročne obleke, krojni deli so bili razporejeni tako, da je odpadek čim manjši. Odločitev za recikliranje vpliva na ekološko ozaveščanje in skrb za okolje.

Keywords:trajnostni principi, poročna obleka, moda, nevesta, predelava, ponovna uporaba
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Sustainable principles of wedding dresses
The principle of sustainability in the textile industry has been one of the most important issues for better human development and conservation of natural resources for the future in the last decade. One of the biggest polluters is fast fashion, which is affordable and produces large quantities of clothing that are quickly discarded by consumers, resulting in large amounts of textile waste. Unusable textiles are recycled through co-incineration, collecting the energy generated and sorting the lumps for the socially vulnerable or using them for thermal insulation. Creative recycling to make new clothes and other products from old garments or textiles is possible. Sustainability and environmental awareness are also important in bridal fashion, both in terms of material use and reuse of products and garments. Sustainable wedding dresses can be designed using different principles such as upcycling, recycling and zero waste. In this diploma thesis, we recycled an old wedding dress and designed a new modern wedding dress. In the theoretical part, the history of wedding dresses from the beginning to the modern era is described and the most popular wedding dresses in different eras are highlighted. The meaning and symbolism as well as the most famous dresses are presented, with a conclusion on the main sustainable principles and the ready-to-wear industry. In the experimental part, the transformation of an old wedding dress into a new one, all the technological processes are described. The goal of the diploma is to transform an old wedding dress into a new, modern dress, using as much as possible of the existing material and adding as little as possible new material. The inspiration for the new wedding dress comes from the elegance and simple, sleek lines of the current bridal collections. The making of the new dress is illustrated with a sketch, a technical sketch with a technical description, a material list, a modelling of the pattern and a technical plan of the finished product. The shaped pattern pieces of the dress were cut from an old wedding dress and the pieces were arranged to minimise waste. The decision to recycle has implications for environmental awareness and protection

Keywords:sustainability principles, wedding dress, fashion, bride, processing, reuse

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