
Povezanost med zunajšolsko slušno izpostavljenostjo angleščini in razvojem spretnosti slušnega razumevanja ter usvajanjem besedišča pri učencih 9. razreda : doctoral dissertation
ID Nimani Musa, Nora (Author), ID Dagarin Fojkar, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glede na rastoče število priložnosti in virov, ki so danes na voljo za podporo učenju zunaj šole, smo v pričujoči raziskavi poskušali ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri učenci s pomočjo zunajšolskih dejavnosti za poslušanje izboljšujejo svoje slušno razumevanje in obseg besedišča. Omenjene dejavnosti lahko vključujejo gledanje filmov v angleškem jeziku, poslušanje glasbe, igranje spletnih iger v angleščini in podobno. Raziskovalci so poskušali osvetliti pomen poslušanja kot ene od najpomembnejših spretnosti, ki jih je treba obvladati za učenje tujega jezika, a kljub temu je to pogosto najbolj zanemarjena jezikovna spretnost v razredu. Izkazalo se je, da izpostavljenost angleščini kot tujemu jeziku zunaj šole na razvoj jezikovnih spretnosti vpliva bolje ali enako dobro kot formalni pouk. S poslušanjem lahko učenci širijo besedišče, razvijajo jezikovno znanje in izboljšujejo rabo jezika. Poleg tega zagotavlja slušni vnos, ki je potreben za usvajanje jezika, in učencem omogoča interakcijo v verbalni komunikaciji. To raziskavo smo izvedli na Kosovu s 514 osnovnošolci v devetem razredu, starimi 14 in 15 let. S kvantitativnimi in kvalitativnimi metodami smo raziskovali odnos učencev do zunajšolskih slušnih in učnih orodij ter njihov vpliv na slušno razumevanje angleškega jezika in usvajanje besedišča. Za ugotavljanje povezave med izpostavljenostjo poslušanju zunaj šole ter slušnim razumevanjem in usvajanja besedišča učencev smo uporabili številne instrumente. Med njimi so bili standardizirani testi slušnega razumevanja in besedišča; vprašalniki za učence in polstrukturirani intervjuji s ciljno skupino učencev ter polstrukturirani intervjuji z učitelji, s katerimi smo temo želeli raziskati z drugega zornega kota in poglobiti kvantitativne rezultate. Za analizo kvantitativnih podatkov smo uporabili neparametrične postopke, kot so Spearmanova korelacija, hi-kvadrat, Mann-Whitneyjev U-test, Wilcoxonov test predznačenih rangov, Kruskal-Wallisov test in Friedmanov test. Drugi postopki, kot so običajni nabor opisnih parametrov, vključno s frekvencami, aritmetičnimi sredinami, standardnimi odkloni itd., so bili uporabljeni kot podporni kazalniki med analizo podatkov. Obdelavo podatkov smo opravili s statističnim paketom IBM SPSS 25. Intervjuje so prepisali, kodirali in klasificirali. S preučitvijo klasifikacije smo ugotavljali odnose med splošnimi pojmi, prav tako smo raziskali vzorce, podobnosti in razlike, da bi osmislili podatke, in na koncu izdelali, zgradili in preizkusili teorijo. Vsi ti instrumenti so omogočili triangulacijo raziskave. Podatki raziskave kažejo, da obstaja pomembna pozitivna povezava med količino izpostavljenosti angleščini zunaj šole ter spretnostmi poslušanja in usvajanjem besednega zaklada. Oblike izpostavljenosti, ki so se izkazale kot pomembno povezane s povečanjem zanimanja učencev za učenje angleščine, so avdiovizualne vsebine v angleščini brez podnapisov, poslušanje glasbe v angleščini, komunikacija v angleščini zunaj šole in igranje spletnih iger, medtem ko se je izkazalo, da avdiovizualne vsebine v angleščini z albanskimi podnapisi, poslušanje radijskih oddaj v angleščini in igranje domačih videoiger (v nasprotju s spletnimi videoigrami) nimajo pomembne povezave s stopnjo zanimanja za učenje angleščine. Pozitiven odnos do vsebin zasebnih jezikovnih šol kot glavnega vplivnega dejavnika pri učenju angleščine se je izkazal za razlikovalnega glede na stopnjo slušnega razumevanja in besedišča učencev. Poslušanje glasbe, aktivno govorjenje v angleščini in igranje videoiger so se izkazali za najbolj priljubljene zunajšolske aktivnosti udeležencev raziskave. Rezultati kažejo, da učenci uporabljajo različne strategije poslušanja glede na svoje preference in navade, pri čemer so se tisti, ki uporabljajo procesiranje od zgoraj navzdol, izkazali za najuspešnejše pri testih slušnega razumevanja. Poleg tega rezultati intervjujev kažejo, da učitelji in učenci podobno pozitivno dojemajo povezanost med zunajšolsko izpostavljenostjo ter slušnimi spretnostmi in usvajanjem besedišča, pa tudi povezanost med motivacijo učencev in izboljšanjem slušnih spretnosti in besedišča. Razumevanje odnosa med izpostavljenostjo zunaj šole ter slušnimi spretnostmi in usvajanjem besedišča učencev omogoča uporabo orodij za poslušanje zunaj šole v učilnicah. Znanstveni prispevek te raziskave je dvojen: prvič, teoretično prispeva k literaturi, ki preučuje razvoj slušnih spretnosti in usvajanje besedišča v drugem jeziku ter povezavo med zunajšolsko izpostavljenostjo ter slušnimi spretnostmi in usvajanjem besedišča učencev, s čimer ustvarja inovativno sintezo na tem področju. Drugič, prispeva k področju vrednotenja izobraževalne politike, saj ponuja vpogled v to, kako se je mogoče odzvati na razvoj izobraževalne politike, da bi bile priložnosti za poučevanje in učenje kar najbolj izkoriščene. Na podlagi ključnih ugotovitev so ponujena priporočila za zmanjšanje razlik v stopnjah slušnih spretnosti med tremi skupinami učencev (manj napredni, povprečni, bolj napredni). Rezultati ponujajo tudi priložnost za razpravo o vključevanju tehnologije v pouk in s tem možnost za izboljšanje slušnih spretnosti in usvajanje besedišča v angleščini pri učencih.

Keywords:razvoj slušnih spretnosti, usvajanje tujega jezika, devetošolci, izpostavljenost zunaj šole, razvoj besedišča.
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Nimani Musa]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XIX, 249 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145615 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:150823427 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The Relationship between Out-of-School Listening Exposure to English and the Development of English Listening Comprehension Skills and Vocabulary Acquisition in Grade 9 Students
In view of the growing variety of opportunities and resources that nowadays are available to support out-of-school learning, the present study attempted to identify the extent to which students enhance their listening comprehension and vocabulary range through out-of-class listening activities. The aforementioned activities may consist of watching films in the English language, listening to music, playing online games in English and similar practices. Researchers have tried to shed light on the importance of listening as being one of the most important skills to be mastered in order to learn a foreign language, and yet it is often the most neglected skill in the classroom. The effects of out-of-school exposure to English as a foreign language on the development of the language skills have proven to be superior to or just as good as those of formal instruction. Listening can help students build vocabulary, develop language proficiency, and improve language usage. Furthermore, it provides the auditory input which is needed for language acquisition and enables learners to interact in verbal communication. This study was carried out in Kosovo with 514 elementary school students in the ninth grade (14-15 years old). Through the use of quantitative and qualitative methods, this study explored students’ attitudes towards out-of-school listening and learning tools as well as their effects on students’ English language listening proficiency and vocabulary acquisition. A number of instruments were used for measuring the correlation between out-of-school listening exposure and students’ listening proficiency and vocabulary acquisition. These included standardized listening comprehension and vocabulary tests; questionnaires for students and semi-structured interviews with a focus group of students; and semi-structured teacher interviews in order to investigate the topic from a different point of view and add depth to the quantitative results. The non-parametric procedures such as the Spearman rank-order correlation, Chi square, Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon Signed Rank, Kruskal-Wallis, and Friedman tests were the statistical tools used to analyse the quantitative data. Other procedures such as the usual set of descriptive parameters, including frequencies, arithmetic means, standard deviations, etc., were used as supporting indicators throughout the data analysis. Data processing was carried out using the statistical package IBM SPSS 25. Interviews were transcribed, coded and classified. We examined the classification in order to identify relationships between general terms, and investigated the patterns, commonalities and differences in order to make sense of the data and finally elaborate, build, and test the theory. All these instruments enabled the triangulation of the study. Our data show that there is a significant positive correlation between the amount of out-of-school exposure to English language and listening skills and vocabulary acquisition. The explored forms of exposure that have shown to have a significant correlation in increasing students’ interest to learn English are audio-visual contents in English without subtitles, listening to music in English, out-of-school communication in English, and playing online games, whereas audio-visual English contents with Albanian subtitles, listening to radio programmes in English and playing home video games (as opposed to online video games) proved to have no significant relation to the level of interest in learning English. The favourable attitude towards the private language school contents as a major influential factor in learning English appeared distinguishable in terms of students’ level of listening and vocabulary proficiency. Listening to music, active speaking in English, and gaming proved to be the most enjoyable out-of-school exposure activities for the participants in our study. The results show that students use different listening strategies based on their preferences and habits, and the ones that use the top-down processing proved to be the best performers in the listening tests. Moreover, the results from the interviews show that there are similar positive perceptions amongst teachers and students regarding the relationship between out-of-school exposure and listening skills and vocabulary acquisition, and also between students’ motivation and the improvement of listening skills and vocabulary. Understanding the relationship between out-of-school exposure and students’ listening skills and vocabulary acquisition enables the use of out-of-school listening tools in language classrooms. The scientific contribution of this study is twofold: first, it contributes theoretically to the body of literature that examines the development of listening skills and vocabulary acquisition in a second language, and the connection between out-of-school exposure and students’ listening skills and vocabulary acquisition, creating an innovative synthesis in the field. Secondly, it contributes to the educational policy evaluation field in terms of shedding light on how educational policy development can be responsive so that teaching and learning opportunities are maximized. Based on the key findings, recommendations for reducing the differences in the listening skill levels among the three groups of learners (weak, average, strong) are offered. The results also offer an opportunity to open the discussion about involving technology in classrooms and hence provide a possibility to improve students’ English listening skills and vocabulary acquisition.

Keywords:developing listening skills, foreign language acquisition, ninth grade students, out-of-school exposure, vocabulary development.

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