
Diseminacija rezultatov projekta Erasmus+ Re/Forma Viva na omrežju Instagram
ID Mekuč, Julijen (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kočevar, Tanja Nuša (Comentor)

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Tema diplomskega dela je oblikovanje digitalne strategije in izvedba diseminacije rezultatov projekta Re/Forma Viva na Instagram uporabniškem računu Galerije Božidar Jakac. V teoretičnem delu smo podrobneje predstavili področje trženja, pojma strategija trženja in digitalna strategija, trenutno vključenost digitalnega načina načrtovanja v muzejskih institucijah in predstavili delovanje družbenem omrežju Instagram. To je sklop strokovnega znanja, ki je bil potreben za nadaljnje ustvarjanje. V eksperimentalnem delu smo združili strokovno znanje in oblikovalsko poznavanje za razvoj digitalne strategije, ciljno na izbranem družbenem omrežju. V začetnih korakih eksperimentalnega dela smo predstavili Galerijo Božidar Jakac, njihove želje in oblikovanje načrta objavljanja. Osrednji del opisuje izvedbene pristope za izbiro foto materiala, sestavo besedila, oblikovalske pristope za oblikovanje logotipa in povezovanje vsebinskih sklopov (predstavitev projekta, restavriranje, fotogrametrija, 3D-tisk, oblikovanje nakita) v tematske sklope, pripravljene za objavljanje na družbenem omrežju Instagram. Cilj je bil ugotoviti, ali zajete smernice, ki so predstavljene v literaturi in priročnikih, zagotavljajo ustrezne in učinkovite rezultate, primerne za nadaljnjo uporabo v digitalni strategiji. V metodologijo, ki je bila uporabljena, smo uvrstili merjenje interakcij s programom Instagram Insights, tedenski pregled učinkov objavljanja s predstavnico galerije ter sprotno spreminjanje pristopov in oblikovalskega dela glede na trende gibanja objav. Rezultati so pokazali, da je zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja treba večinoma ovreči, predvsem kjer uporabljene smernice iz literature niso učinkovale. Oblikovalski del je bil uspešen, trženjski del pa je pokazal potrebo po nadgradnji oziroma bolj temeljito raziskovanje učinkovitosti interakcij.

Keywords:digitalna strategija, forma viva, leseni kipi, socialno omrežje, kulturna dediščina.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145575 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.04.2023
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Title:Disseminating results of the project Erasmus+ Re/Forma Viva on Instagram
The topic of the thesis was the creation of a digital strategy and the dissemination of the results of the Re/Forma Viva project on the Instagram profile of the Božidar Jakca Gallery. In the theoretical part, we presented in more detail the field of marketing, the concept of marketing strategy, digital strategy, the current involvement of digital strategy in museum institutions and a presentation of the functioning of the social media Instagram. This is a set of expertise that was necessary for further creation. In the experimental part, we combined expertise and design knowledge to develop a digital strategy targeted on the chosen social network. In the initial steps of the experimental work, we introduced the Božidar Jakc Gallery, their wishes and the design of the publishing plan. The central part describes the implementation approaches for the selection of photo material, the composition of the text, the design approaches for the logo design and the integration of the thematic strands (project presentation, restoration, photogrammetry, 3D printing, jewellery design) into thematic strands ready to be published on the social media Instagram. The aim was to determine whether the guidelines covered, as presented in literature and manuals, provide relevant and effective results suitable for further use in digital strategy. The methodology used included measuring interactions with Instagram Insights, weekly review of the effects of posting with a gallery representative, and ongoing modification of approaches and design work according to trends in post trends. The results showed that the research questions asked mostly needed to be refuted, especially where the guidelines used from the literature did not work. The design part was successful, but the marketing part showed the need to build on or explore more thoroughly the effectiveness of the interactions.

Keywords:digital strategy, forma viva, wooden sculptures, social media, cultural heritage.

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