
Oblikovanje kolekcije Luč na obzorju
ID Marolt, Martina (Author), ID Peršuh, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom Oblikovanje kolekcije Luč na obzorju predstavlja proces oblikovanja modularne kolekcije ženskih oblačil z razstavljanjem posameznih oblačilnih kosov in sestavljanjem v nove izdelke. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela so predstavljene ideje, na podlagi katerih sem razvijala kolekcijo. Osebno počutje in vprašanja o smislu v “obdobju nesmisla” so me pripeljala do raziskovanja eksistencializma v likovni umetnosti. COVID-19 je pustil posledice v modni industriji. Oblikovalci v kolekcije prav tako vključujejo eksistencialistične tematike. Trajnostna moda postaja še aktualnejša, povpraševanje s strani potrošnikov še večje. Raziskovala sem meni zanimive trajnostne prakse, kot so kapsulna kolekcija, multifunkcionalnost in modularnost. Predstavila sem nekaj multifunkcionalnih in modularnih znamk, ki so me najbolj navdušile. V eksperimentalnem delu je prikazan razvoj kapsulne kolekcije ženskih modularnih oblačil. Raziskovala sem oblike razpadajočega listja, jih vključevala v kroje in silhuete. To sem prikazala z inspiracijskimi kolaži. Predstavljena je barvna lestvica z navdihom v slikarskih delih Jožeta Tisnikarja. Izbrani materiali s surovimi robovi podkrepijo tematiko razgradnje. Iz kolekcije pa kljub temačnem vzdušju “sveti upanje”. Cilj mojega diplomskega dela je bil oblikovati kolekcijo modularnih izdelkov, ki z razstavljanjem in sestavljanjem v nove povečajo število možnih kombinacij in so uporabni skozi vse leto. To po mojem mnenju poveča življenjsko dobo izdelka in hkrati zmanjša željo po novem, zato se mi zdi modularnost pomemben trajnostni pristop, vreden raziskovanja.

Keywords:eksistencializem, modularna oblačila, Jože Tisnikar, trajnostna moda, kolekcija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145570 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.04.2023
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Title:Designing the Collection Light on the Horizon
My thesis titled “Designing the Collection Light on the Horizon” represents the process of designing a modular collection of women's clothing by disassembling individual pieces of clothing and assembling them into new products. The theoretical part of the thesis presents the ideas on which I developed the collection. Personal well-being and questions about meaning in the “period of nonsense” led me to explore existentialism in the fine arts. COVID-19 has left its mark on the fashion industry. The designers also include existential themes in their collections. Sustainable fashion is becoming more and more popular, consumer demand is even higher. I researched sustainable practices, such as capsule collection, multifunctionality, and modularity. I presented some of the multifunctional and modular brands that inspired me the most. The experimental part shows the capsule collection development of women's modular clothing. I researched the shapes of decaying leaves, incorporating them into patterns and silhouettes. I illustrated this with inspirational collages. A color scale with inspiration in the paintings of Jože Tisnikar is presented. Selected materials with raw edges underline the theme of decomposition. Despite the dark atmosphere, the collection "shines hope". My thesis aimed to create a collection of modular products, which by disassembling and assembling into new styles increases the number of possible combinations and can be worn throughout the whole year. This, in my opinion, increases the life expectancy of clothing items and at the same time reduces the desire for something new. That is why I find modularity a sustainable approach, worth exploring.

Keywords:existentialism, modular clothing, Jože Tisnikar, sustainable fashion, collection

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