
Projekt jeklene hale s podrobno analizo izbočnih sil : magistrsko delo
ID Manev, Katerina (Author), ID Piculin, Sara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se nanaša na projektiranje proizvodne jeklene hale, ki se nahaja v urbanem območju Ljubljane, R. Slovenija. Tloris jeklene konstrukcije je pravokoten z dimenzijami 80 m × 90 m. Projekt jeklene hale vključuje idejno zasnovo konstrukcije, analizo obremenitev in kombinacij obremenitev, dimenzioniranje glavne nosilne konstrukcije, nekaterih pomembnejših spojev v skladu s standardi Evrokod ter detajlne izrise konstrukcije. Analiza in dimenzioniranje poteka s pomočjo komercialnega računalniškega programa Dlubal RFEM5, ki deluje po metodi končnih elementov. Numerični računski model predstavlja prostorski model iz linearnih končnih elementov. Dimenzioniranje je izvedeno tako na podlagi globalne statične analize z upoštevanjem teorije drugega reda in globalnih nepopolnosti, kot tudi na podlagi seizmične analize, izvedene kot modalna analiza s spektrom konstrukcijskega odziva. Za metodo projektiranja protipotresne konstrukcije je izbrana metoda s srednjo stopnjo disipacije energije (DCM). V magistrski nalogi je poudarek na podrobni analizi izbočnih sil. Za ta namen smo analizirali 3 različne pristope modeliranje globalnih nepopolnosti. Prvi dve metodi temeljita na predlaganih pristopih iz Evrokoda, tretja metoda je povzeta iz literature. Analiza kaže, kako različni trije pristopi vplivajo na velikost notranjih statičnih količin. Največja odstopanja nastanejo pri drugem načinu modeliranja nepopolnosti, kjer se globalne nepopolnosti modelirajo v obliki vodoravnih sil pri okvirju in v obliki enakomerno porazdeljenih nadomestnih izbočnih sil pri povezju. Izkaže se, da je za obravnavani primer druga metoda precej konservativna. V zadnjem delu magistrske naloge so dimenzionirani spoji.

Keywords:jeklena hala, globalne nepopolnosti, globalna statična analiza, dimenzioniranje, izbočne sile, analiza povezij
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[K. Manev]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145564 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:150166787 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Project of a steel hall with a detailed analysis of the equivalent stabilizing forces : Master thesis
The thesis refers to the design of a production steel hall located in the urban area of Ljubljana, R. Slovenia. The floor plan of the steel structure is rectangular with dimensions of 80 m × 90 m. The steel hall project includes the conceptual design of the structure, the analysis of loads and load combinations, the design of the main structure, some significant joints in accordance with Eurocode standards and detailed construction drawings. The analysis and design is carried out using the commercial computer programme Dlubal RFEM5, which works according to the finite element method. The numerical calculation model represents a spatial model consisting of linear finite elements. The design is carried out both on the basis of a global static analysis, taking into account the second-order theory and global imperfections, as well as on the basis of a seismic analysis, carried out as a modal analysis with a design response spectrum. For the method of designing an earthquake-resistant structure, the method with a medium level of energy dissipation (DCM) is chosen. The main focus of this thesis is on a detailed analysis of the equivalent stabilizing forces. For this purpose, we have analysed three different approaches of global imperfection modelling. The first two methods are based on the approaches included in the Eurocode standard, the third method is taken from the literature. The analysis shows how the three different approaches affect the magnitude of the internal forces. The largest deviations occur with the second type of imperfection modelling, where global imperfections are modelled in the form of equivalent stabilizing forces on the frame and in the form of uniform distribution of equivalent stabilizing forces on the lateral bracing system. The main conclusion is, that in the analysed model, method 2 is quite conservativeThe last part of the thesis deals with the design of joints.

Keywords:steel hall, global imperfections, global static analysis, structural design, equivalent stabiliying forces, analysis of bracing systems

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