
Poučevanje učne vsebine svetloba v tretjem in četrtem razredu osnovne šole z didaktičnimi igrami : magistrsko delo
ID Kastelic, Urška (Author), ID Pavlin, Jerneja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Učenci se največ naučijo takrat, ko jih neka dejavnost pritegne, zanima in se pri njej zabavajo. Največkrat so to didaktične igre, zato imajo tudi v procesu poučevanja pomembno vlogo. Didaktične igre so igre, ki imajo določeno nalogo ali cilj in so posledično usmerjene k poučevanju. Med igranjem didaktičnih iger učenci namreč razvijajo svoje sposobnosti in spretnosti ter navezujejo in krepijo medsebojne odnose. V magistrskem delu predstavljamo tri didaktične igre na učno temo svetloba in izsledke raziskave, ki se nanašajo na to, kako oblikovati didaktične igre za učno vsebino svetloba, kakšna so mnenja 31 prihodnjih učiteljev razrednega pouka o oblikovanih didaktičnih igrah in ali bi bile po njihovem mnenju potrebne kakšne spremembe. Podajamo tudi izsledke raziskave s skupino učencev (5 učencev tretjega razreda in 5 učencev četrtega razreda), pri čemer smo se osredinili na evalvacijo napredka v znanju, identifikacijo občutkov učencev ipd. V raziskavah so bile uporabljene tehnike kvalitativnega in kvantitativnega raziskovanja, podatki pa pridobljeni z vprašalnikom za prihodnje učitelje, strukturiranim intervjujem, sprotnim opažanjem in preizkusom znanja za učence. Izsledki raziskav kažejo, da so didaktične igre primerna metoda poučevanja v tretjem in četrtem razredu osnovne šole. Izdelane didaktične igre so dosegle pričakovane rezultate pri usvajanju nove učne vsebine in so primerne za poučevanje tematike o svetlobi. Ugotovili smo, da je učencem tovrsten način usvajanja znanja všeč in da so pri tem visoko motivirani. Tudi prihodnji učitelji so predstavljene didaktične igre ocenili z dobrimi splošnimi ocenami in prav tako jih je večina mnenja, da bi didaktične igre uporabili pri pouku. Izsledki magistrskega dela bodo učiteljem v pomoč pri vpeljavi didaktičnih iger v pouk naravoslovja. Prav tako bodo lahko pridobili vpogled v izdelavo didaktične igre in bistvene elemente, ki jih je treba pri tem upoštevati.

Keywords:didaktične igre, spoznavanje okolja, naravoslovje in tehnika, svetloba, stališča prihodnjih učiteljev, stališča učencev
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:U. Kastelic
Number of pages:157 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145355 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:149838851 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Teaching the Light Concept with Didactic Games to Third and Fourth Grade Students
Students learn the most, when an activity attracts, interests and amuses them. Most of the time, this is the case with didactic games, which is why they have an important role in the teaching process. Didactic games are games, which have a certain task and goal and are consequently oriented towards teaching. While playing didactic games, students namely develop their abilities and skills, connect and strengthen mutual relationships. In the Master’s thesis, we present three didactic games about the learning topic light and the findings of the research focusing on how to prepare didactic games for the learning content light, what are the opinions of 31 future classroom teachers about the preparation of didactic games and if any changes are necessary according to them. We also provide findings of the research with a group of students (5 third graders and 5 four graders), where we focused on the evaluation of the progress in knowledge, identification of the feeling of students etc. In the research, we used qualitative and quantitative research techniques. The data were obtained with a questionnaire for future teachers, a structured interview, ongoing observation and knowledge tests for students. The findings of the researches show that didactic games are a suitable method for teaching in the third and fourth grade of primary school. The prepared didactic games have provided the expected results in the acquisition of new learning content and are suitable for teaching about light. We found that students like this way of learning and are highly motivated for it. Future teachers have also rated the presented didactic games with good overall ratings and the majority of them also thinks that they would use didactic games in lessons. The findings of the Master’s thesis will help teachers with the introduction of didactic games into science lessons. They will also obtain insight into the preparation of a didactic game and essential elements that must be taken into account.

Keywords:didactic games, environmental education, science and technology, light, views of future teachers, views of students

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