
Zdravstvena nega pacienta po operaciji kolenskih križnih vezi : diplomsko delo
ID Ocepek, Monika (Author), ID Ravljen, Mirjam (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pajnič, Manca (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Koleno je eden bolj obremenjenih in kompleksnih sklepov v človeškem telesu. Poškodba kolenskih križnih vezi je najpogostejša poškodba kolena in je v največji meri prisotna zlasti pri mladostnikih kot posledica prekomerne obremenitve. Poškodbe pogosto nastanejo pri doskoku, hitri spremembi smeri, bočnem gibanju. Poškodbo zdravimo konzervativno ali operativno z rekonstrukcijo kolenskih križnih vezi. Zdravljenje poškodbe je dinamičen proces, ki je sicer po navadi uspešen, kljub temu pa obstaja tveganje za zgodnje in pozne komplikacije. Namen: V diplomskem delu smo predstavili poškodbo kolenskih križnih vezi, vlogo medicinske sestre pri obravnavi pacienta s poškodbo kolenskih križnih vezi pred, med in po operativnem posegu ter razlike med zdravstveno nego pri konzervativnem in operativnem zdravljenju. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo. Pregledali smo znanstveno in strokovno literaturo ter povzeli glavne ugotovitve. Literaturo smo poiskali preko portala Digitalne knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani in v podatkovnih bazah Medline, ScienceDirect, CINAHL, Wiley Online Library in Cochrane Library. Poleg člankov smo iskali tudi knjige z obravnavano tematiko. Rezultati: Ugotavljamo, da obstajajo številna tveganja za poškodbo kolenskih križnih vezi kakor tudi tveganje za nastanek komplikacij po operativnem posegu. Na voljo so številni preventivni programi, ki uspešno zmanjšujejo tveganje za nastanek poškodbe. Medicinska sestra ima pomembno vlogo pri obravnavi pacienta od sprejema do odpusta. Zdravstvena nega je prilagojena vsaki fazi, in sicer je v predoperativni fazi usmerjena zlasti na podporo pacientu, v intraoperativni na varnost pacienta in v pooperativni v podporo pacientu pri rehabilitaciji. Pri konzervativnem zdravljenju medicinska sestra pacienta spremlja, mu daje navodila in izvaja vzgojno izobraževalno delo, medtem ko je pri pacientu z operativnim posegom njena funkcija bolj kompleksna in točno določena glede na faze zdravljenja. Razprava in zaključek: Zdravstvena nega pacienta s poškodbo kolenskih križnih vezi je pomemben del zdravljenja in vpliva tudi na rezultat, zato mora imeti medicinska sestra ogromno znanja o sami poškodbi. Delo medicinske sestre lahko vpliva na zdravljenje in že manjša napaka lahko spremeni rezultat zdravljenja.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, poškodbe kolenskih križnih vezi, operativno zdravljenje, konzervativno zdravljenje, medicinske sestre
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Ocepek]
Number of pages:29 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145351 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:149647363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Nursing care of the patient after knee ligament surgery : diploma work
Introduction: The knee is one of the most stressed and complex joints in the human body. Injury to the knee cruciate ligaments is the most common injury to the knee and is present to the greatest extent especially in young people as a result of excessive strain. Injuries often occur during landing, rapid change of direction, lateral movement. The injury is treated conservatively or operatively with knee cruciate ligament reconstruction. Injury treatment is a dynamic process that is usually successful, but there is a risk of early and late complications. Purpose: In the thesis, we presented knee cruciate ligament injury, the role of the nurse in treating a patient with knee cruciate ligament injury before, during and after surgery, and the differences between nursing in conservative and operative treatment. Methods: We used a descriptive method. We reviewed the scientific and professional literature and summarized the main findings. Literature was found through the Digital Library of the University of Ljubljana and in the databases Medline, ScienceDirect, CINAHL, Wiley Online Library and Cochrane Library. In addition to articles, we also searched for books with a topic under consideration. Results: We found that there are many risks for knee cruciate ligament injury as well as the risk of complications after surgery. There are many prevention programs available that successfully reduce the risk of injury. The nurse plays an important role in treating the patient from admission to discharge. Medical care is adapted to each phase, namely in the pre-operative phase it is focused mainly on supporting the patient, in the intra-operative phase on patient safety and in the postoperative phase on supporting the patient during rehabilitation. In conservative treatment, the nurse monitors the patient, gives him instructions and carries out educational work, while in the case of a patient undergoing surgery, her function is more complex and precisely determined according to the stages of treatment. Discussion and conclusion: Nursing care of a patient with knee cruciate ligament injury is an important part of the treatment and also affects the result, so the nurse must have a lot of knowledge about the injury itself. The work of the nurse can affect the treatment and even a small mistake can change the outcome of the treatment

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, knee cruciate ligament injuries, operative treatment, conservative treatment, nurses

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