
Eksperiment srednjeveškega modernizma
ID Pulević, Luka (Author), ID Čeferin, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Petrovčič, Simon (Comentor)

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Magistrska naloga izhaja iz razširjenega razumevanja modernizma v arhitekturi. Ne razume ga preprosto kot arhitekturno gibanje iz 20. stoletja, temveč kot trenutek (vsakokratnega) miselnega preloma v zgodovini arhitekture, ko se odpre možnost za drugačno razmišljanje in delovanje na področju arhitekture. Naloga zagovarja stališče, da so takšni prelomni trenutki za arhitekturo še posebej pomembni, da jih je vredno vzeti pod drobnogled. Takrat se je namreč v razvoju arhitekture zgodilo nekaj, iz česar se lahko učimo. Takšno razumevanje modernizma v arhitekturi nam tudi omogoča, da se v mišljenju sodobne arhitekture ne opiramo le na primere, ki izhajajo iz bližnje preteklosti, temveč si lahko pomagamo z dragocenimi izkušnjami razvoja kreativne prakse arhitekture, ki se odvija že stoletja ali celo tisočletja. Kot primer takšnega prelomnega trenutka v zgodovini bom predstavil trenutek, natančneje, obdobje, ko se vzpostavi gotska arhitektura. V ospredju obravnave bo tehnološki eksperiment konstruiranja, ki je omogočil prelom s tradicionalno masivno konstrukcijo v korist vitkemu skeletu. V tem vidim modernost gotske arhitekture. Ker v srednjem veku niso poznali računskih metod za določanje mehanske odpornosti stavbe, so se zanašali na intuicijo, pridobljeno skozi izkušnje sistematičnega testiranja konstrukcije in eksperimentiranja v merilu 1 : 1. Za takšno delovanje so bili ključni postopen razvoj konstrukcije, primerna zasnova stavbe, postopek gradnje, oblika arhitektovega delovanja in usklajenost vseh udeležencev/akterjev. Vse to in še več pa je, kot pokaže magistrska naloga, izjemnega pomena ne le za razumevanje zgodovine arhitekture, ampak tudi za razvoj sodobne arhitekturne prakse.

Keywords:modernizem, skeletna konstrukcija, tehnološki eksperiment, gotska arhitektura, srednji vek
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145291 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:150191107 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The Experiment of Medieval Modernism
This thesis takes as it starting point an extended understanding of modernism in architecture. It doesn't understand modernism simply as an architectural movement from the 20th century but as the moment of rupture in the history of architecture – the moment of opening of an entirely different way of thinking and acting in the field of architecture. This thesis argues that such moments of rupture are particularly important for architecture and that they should be closely examined. Something happened in the history of architecture then, and we can learn from it. Such understanding of modernism also enables that in the contemporary practice of architecture we not only learn from the cases that come from a not-so-distant past, but actually ground our thinking and practice on the centuries long experience of the rich developments of the creative practice of architecture. As an example of such a groundbreaking moment in history, I would like to present Gothic architecture. The focus of the discussion will be on the technological experiment of construction that allowed for a break from traditional massive construction in favor of a slender skeleton. Since no computational methods for determining the mechanical strength of buildings were known in the Middle Ages, contemporary builders relied on their intuition gained through experience with systematic testing of structures. Crucial to such a method of working was the gradual development of the structure, the appropriate building design, the building process, the form of architectural profession, and the coordination of those involved. All this and more, as we will see in the following pages, is of great importance for contemporary architecture.

Keywords:modernism, skeletal structure, technological experiment, gothic architecture, the Middle Ages.

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