
Idejna zasnova revitalizacije bivše tovarne Arrigoni v kulturni center v Izoli
ID Sij, Nastija (Author), ID Princic, Alessio (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se ukvarja s problemom zapuščenega tovarniškega območja Arrigoni. Svoj čas delovanja, med 1881 do zaprtja v osemdesetih letih 20. stoletja, je tovarna Arrigoni bila ena od glavnih gospodarskih sil, ki je Izolo obvarovala pred prebivalstveno in gospodarsko krizo, kakršne sta bila deležna Koper in Piran. Nekoč zgrajena na obrobjih mest, se danes, zaradi rasti prebivalstva in posledično širitve gradnje, industrijska gradnja večkrat znajde v središču mesta. Po zatonu ribje industrije in zaprtju tovarne Arrigoni v Izoli, je bilo tovarniško območje prepuščeno propadanju. Skozi čas so porušili proizvodne hale, administracijski objekti pa so (pod spomeniškim varstvom) bili podvrženi vremenskim vplivom in počasnemu propadanju. Idejna zasnova revitalizacije bivše tovarne Arrigoni poskuša rešiti problem zapuščenih in pozabljenih objektov na način, da obstoječe objekte združi z novimi in jim da nov namen ter program. Magistrska naloga je poglobljeno nadaljevanje revitalizacije stavb Arrigoni, ki so bili zajeti v nov urbanistični koncept marine iz strani študentov, pod mentorstvom izr. prof. mag. Alessia Prinčiča. Na območju bivše industrijske cone se na osnovi že obstoječih stavb in dograditve ustvari nova kulturna točka, ki poveže ljudi in deluje skozi vse leto. Program kulturnega centra in muzeja je zasnovan v skladu z željami občine Izola, ki že vrsto let poskuša rešiti problem zapuščenega območja Arrigoni. Ustvari se muzej, večnamenska kulturna dvorana, moderni co-working prostori z eksternimi učilnicami in restavracija.

Keywords:arhitektura, revitalizacija, Arrigoni, kulturni center, Izola, dediščina
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145287 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:150387971 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.04.2023
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Title:Conceptual design of the revitalisation of the former Arrigoni factory into a cultural center in Izola
The master thesis deals with the problem of the abandoned Arrigoni factory area. From the day the factory opened its doors in 1881 until it closed its doors in the 1980s, it left a big economic mark and saved During its time of operation, between 1881 and its closure in the 1980s, it was one of the main economic forces that protected Izola from the population and economic crisis that Koper and Piran experienced. In the past, the factories were built on the outskirts of cities but due to the increased growth of the cities and their population number, the factories are now found in the very centre. The decline of the fish industry led to the closing of the Arrigoni factory in Izola. Its many buildings and halls were left to decay. Over time the production halls of Arrigoni were demolished and the administrative buildings came under monument protection. The conceptual design and the idea are to take the existing buildings, build an extension in the pattern of the demolished buildings and make a new space with purpose and life. The master thesis is an in-depth continuation of the revitalization of the Arrigoni buildings, which were included in the new urban concept of the port by the students, under the mentorship of Assoc. prof. M.Sc. Alessia Prinčič. A new cultural point is created in the area of the former industrial zone which connects people and operates throughout the year. The cultural centre with a museum is designed in accordance with the wishes of the municipality of Izola. The town has been trying to solve the problem of the abandoned Arrigoni area for many years. A museum, a multipurpose cultural hall, modern co-working spaces with external classrooms and a restaurant will be created.

Keywords:architecture, revitalisation, Arrigoni, cultural centre, Izola, heritage

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