
Idejna zasnova Doma upokojencev Domžale v naselju Rodica
ID Hribar, Urban (Author), ID Sadar, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se ukvarja s tematiko nege za starejše. Analitičen del naloge išče pravilna vprašanja, ki sprožijo razmislek o programu samem, njegovi vlogi in problematiki. Skozi analizo dveh različnih lokacij in razmišljanj o odnosu programa do lokacije, zagovarja, da ima predvideni program moč postati center dogajanja in s tem izboljšati vpletenost starejših v mesto, kot tudi samo lokacijo. Teoretični del išče večznačne odgovore na trenutno stanje. Preko serije kolažev, razmišljanj in znanih arhitekturnih tez išče nove poglede na dobro znano problematiko. Negira besedo domačnost, ki je pogosta rešitev vseh problemov pri izvajalcih institucionalnega varstva. Skozi nadaljne teoretične razlage opozarja pomembnost medprostora (ang. Freespace), ki ima moč motivirati posameznika k aktivnosti, druženju, združevanju in pripadnosti, kar tudi predstavlja izhodiščno točko za projektni del naloge. Objekt je zasnovan po principu “mesta v mestu”, zaključene celote, ki uporabnikom nudi dom, nego in aktivnosti. Stanovanjski del sledi ideji popolne enote - enega oddelka, ki je podvržen spremembi in odgovarja na več predvidenih situacij. V ospredju je občutek domačnosti, ter prilagoditev strokovnim delavnim procesom. Osrednji del objekta predstavlja medprostor, kot katalizator dogajanja. Dvoetažni prostor, ki je mnogovrsten, evokativen in spodbuja opcijske aktivnosti. Zasnovan je kot ulica z notranjim trgom, okoli katere se nizajo prostori različnih aktivnosti, ambientov in dimenzij. Namen naloge je podati nov pogled na institucionalno varstvo in z nekaterimi tezami izzvati javnost in jo spodbuditi k novim razmišljanjem in posledično razvijanjem novih tiplogij.

Keywords:dom upokojencev, institucionalno varstvo, Domžale, medprostor, arhitektura
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145286 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:149847811 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.04.2023
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Title:Conceptual design of a Nursing home Domžale in Rodica Town
The master’s thesis discusses the topic of institutional care of the elderly. Questions that trigger a reflection on the program itself, its role and issues are being discovered through the analytical part of the thesis. Through the analysis of two different locations and thoughts about the attitude of the program towards the location, the thesis asserts that the planned program has the power of becoming te center of events and thus improve the involvement of the elderly in the city and also with the location itself. The phrase domesticity is negated, which is a principle of common solution to all problems throughout providers of institutional care. Through further theoretical explanations it highlights the importance of free space which has the power to motivate individual activity, gathering, association and belonging, which also represents the starting point for the project part of the thesis. The building is designed according to the principle of »a city within a city«, a uniform structure that offers a home, a space of care and activities to its users. The residential part pursues the idea of one department as a complete unit that is subject to change and includes responses to several anticipated situations. The driving force of the residential part of a project is the feeling of a home that is adapted to specialist work processes. The central double-height part of the building represents the »space between« as a catalyst of the events. The space is diverse, evocative and encourages optional activities. It functions as a city street with an internal square that provides spaces of various activities, ambiences and dimensions around it. The main purpose of the thesis is to provide a new perspective on institutional care, to challenge and encourage the public to think fresh, resulting in development of new typologies.

Keywords:nursing home, institutional care, Domžale, free space, architecture

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