
Socialno delo z družino v času epidemije covida-19 : magistrsko delo
ID Verbnik, Klavdija (Author), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu se dotaknem obdobja, ki je za večino ljudi pomenilo veliko sprememb, prilagajanja in drugačnega načina življenja. V uvodnem delu pišem o epidemiji virusa SARS-CoV-2, o kriznih situacijah in sposobnostih prilagajanja človeka na le-te ter vplivu covida-19 na življenje, duševno in fizično stanje oz. na kakovost življenja nasploh. V nadaljevanju naloge pišem o socialnem delu in smernicah, s katerimi bi lahko čim bolj kompleksno in učinkovito pristopili v podobnih situacijah ter o pomenu povezovanja socialnega dela z drugimi strokami. V raziskavi me predvsem zanima, kako je potekalo socialno delo na področju varstva otrok, mladostnikov, družine in odraslih v okviru CSD Koroška, kakšne so bile ovire, s katerimi so se srečevali uporabniki, koliko so se spremenili pogoji za življenje uporabnikov, s kakšnimi ovirami so se srečevali zaposleni, kako se je njihovo delo spremenilo v času izrednih razmer. Zanimalo me je tudi, kaj je zaposlenim pomagalo pri izvajanju njihovih nalog, kje in na kakšen način menijo, da bi potrebovali pomoč države in drugih institucij za boljše pogoje in izvajanje storitev ter kaj bi bilo potrebno spremeniti, da bi v podobnih situacijah lahko delali še bolje. Kot ključno ugotovitev lahko navedem, da se delovne naloge niso spremenile, spremenil pa se je način, kako so se izvajale. Potrebno je bilo veliko prilagajanj hitro spreminjajočim se ukrepom; zaposleni so bili pogosto v dilemi glede postopanja, ko so se soočali z nujnimi situacijami, ko je šlo za nasilje ali drugo ogroženost ljudi. Čeprav so se trudili navezovati stike z drugimi organizacijami, so bile nekatere določen čas zaprte, kar je onemogočilo nujnost po namestitvi oz. drugi storitvi. Kadar je bilo mogoče, so uporabnikom omogočali osebni stik, toda veliko je bilo odvisno od izkušenj zaposlenega, iznajdljivosti, prilagodljivosti. Na CSD Koroška so se trudili, da bi vsi, ki so pomoč potrebovali, le-to tudi dobili. Udeleženi v raziskavi niso opazili povečanega obsega dela, vendar so se pa po njihovem mnenju nekatere stiske ljudi poglobile zaradi omejitev in ukrepov, ki so bili določeni (težave na področju osebnih odnosov, finančne težave, izobraževanje). Za zaposlene so bile pri izvajanju dela ključna tudi pomoč in podpora sodelavcev in vodstva ter možnost sodelovanja z drugimi.

Keywords:epidemija covida-19, katastrofe, krizne situacije, družine, kakovost življenja, socialno delo v izrednih razmerah, interdisciplinarnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Verbnik]
Number of pages:150 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145204 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Family social work during the Covid-19 epidemic
In my master's thesis, I focus on a period that meant a lot of changes, adaptation, and a different way of life for most people. In the beginning, I focus on the COVID-19 pandemic, crisis situations and human adaptation capability, and the impact of COVID-19 on life, mental and physical states, or the quality of life in general. Further, I focus on social work and on guidelines that could be used to approach similar situations in the most complex and effective way and the importance of connecting social work with other professions. In my research, I am mainly interested in how social work in the field of child care, adolescents, family, and adults was carried out in the Social Work Centre Koroška, what the obstacles the service users encountered were, how much the conditions of service users' lives have changed, what the obstacles the employees encountered were, how their work has changed during the extraordinary conditions. I was also interested in what helped the employees in carrying out their tasks, where and in what way they would need the help of the state and other institutions for better conditions, and what would need to be changed to be able to work even better in similar situations. As a key finding, I can state that the work tasks have not changed significantly. However, the way they were performed has changed. I found out that many adaptations to rapidly changing measures were necessary and that employees were often in a dilemma about what to do when faced with emergencies involving violence or other threats. Although they tried to establish contacts with other organizations, some of them were closed for a certain period of time, which made it impossible to accommodate people urgently. Whenever possible, service users could meet in person with employees but a lot depended on the employee's experience, ingenuity, and flexibility. In the Social Work Centre Koroška, they tried to ensure that everyone who sought help got it. The participants in the research did not notice an increased amount of work. In their opinion, however, some of the distresses deepened due to the measures that were set (problems in personal relationships, finances, and education). Help and support from colleagues and management, as well as the possibility of cooperation with others, were also crucial for the employees in carrying out their work.

Keywords:COVID-19 pandemic, disasters, crisis situations, families, quality of life, social work in extraordinary conditions, interdisciplinarity

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