
Predlog energetskih ukrepov po aktualnih direktivah na stavbah članicah Univerze v Ljubljani
ID Preskar, Ana (Author), ID Stritih, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Nekatere stavbe, ki so v lasti članic UL, so dotrajane in energetsko potrošne. Strategija UL je obnova teh stavb, kar vodi v energetsko učinkovitost stavb, prispevek k zmanjšanju emisij CO2 in TGP. Stavbam članic izvajanje energetskih ukrepov omogoča javno-zasebno partnerstvo v sklopu energetskega pogodbeništva. Tako so članice preskrbljene z energenti, izvajajo se energetski ukrepi za zmanjšanje rabe energije, povečanje deleža OVE ter vzdrževanje tehničnih sistemov in stavbe. Takšne investicije so velik finančni zalogaj, z uvedbo »mehkih« ukrepov na stavbah se kljub temu poznajo prihranki.

Keywords:dolgoročna strategija za spodbujanje naložb energetske prenove stavb, energetski ukrepi, energetsko pogodbeništvo, energetska izkaznica, obnovljivi viri energije, stavbe širšega javnega sektorja, Univerza v Ljubljani
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Preskar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145196 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:149326083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Proposal of energy measures according to current directives in buildings of the University of Ljubljana
Proportion of buildings owned by UL members are dilapidated and energy consuming. UL's strategy is to renovate these buildings, leading to energy efficiency, contributing to the reduction of CO2 and GHG emissions. Member buildings can implement energy measures through a public-private partnership under energy contracting. This ensures that members are supplied with energy, energy measures are implemented to reduce energy consumption, increase the share of RES, and maintain the technical systems and the building. Such investments are a major financial commitment, but by introducing "soft" measures in buildings, savings are nevertheless made.

Keywords:long-term strategy to promote investments in the energy renovation of buildings, energy efficiency measures, energy contracting, energy performance certificate, renewable energy sources, buildings of the wider public sector, University of Ljubljana

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