
Pomembnost kakovostnega odnosa v procesu podpore in pomoči : magistrsko delo
ID Alič, Špela (Author), ID Šugman Bohinc, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rape Žiberna, Tamara (Comentor)

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V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge sem opisala zasnove verbalnega in neverbalnega komuniciranja, prakse socialnega dela, ki temelji na odnosih, in koncepta kakovostnega odnosa na centrih za socialno delo. Osredotočila sem se predvsem na grajenje kakovostnega odnosa na Centru za socialno delo Gorenjska. Moja raziskava je pretežno kvalitativna akcijska z izjemo kvantitativnega dela, v katerem so vsi sodelujoči odgovorili na vprašalnik z ocenjevalnimi lestvicami. Opravila sem tri sodelovalne pogovore s skupaj šestimi zaposlenimi na Centru za socialno delo Gorenjska. Potrdila sem že velikokrat navedeno razumevanje, da kakovosten odnos pripomore k preprečevanju in reševanju nasilja. Med ostalimi raziskovalnimi ugotovitvami izstopajo naslednje: na proučevano problematiko vpliva določeno področje dela; tako kot strokovne delavke definirajo kakovostni odnos, tako ga tudi gradijo; sodelovanje centra za socialno delo z institucijami, kot so zdravstvo, sodstvo in policija, strokovnim delavkam otežuje izgradnjo kakovostnega odnosa. Rezultati moje raziskave kažejo, da strokovne delavke na področju pravic potrebujejo več izobraževanj, usmerjenih na grajenje kakovostnega odnosa na njihovem področju. Prav tako vse strokovne delavke potrebujejo usposabljanja za namene učenja strategij, s katerimi lahko ublažijo nasilne odnose, prepoznajo svojo vlogo pri konstruiranju sovražnosti v odnosu, uspešneje ravnajo z odporom in sodelujejo s sogovorniki na spoštljive in vzajemne načine. Glavno sporočilo raziskave je, da morajo Ministrstvo za pravosodje, Ministrstvo za zdravje in Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti proučiti nove možnosti sodelovanja med centri za socialno delo, sodstvom, policijo in zdravstvom.

Keywords:Socialno delo, kakovosten odnos, komunikacija, pristopi, usmerjeni k odnosom, delovni odnos, osebni stik, center za socialno delo, akcijska raziskava
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Š. Alič]
Number of pages:197 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145095 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:153617411 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The Importance of a Quality Relationship in the Process of Support and Help
In the theoretical part of my master's thesis, I described the concepts of verbal and nonverbal communication, relationship-based social work practise, and relationship quality in social work centres. I have focused mainly on building a quality relationship in the Gorenjska Centre for Social Work. My research is mostly action-oriented, except for the quantitative part, where all participants answered a questionnaire. I conducted three cooperative conversations with a total of 6 employees of the Centre for Social Work Gorenjska. I found that a quality relationship contributes to the prevention and resolution of violence, as does a specific work area. I also realised that professional employees not only define a good relationship, but also build it. In my research, I found that working with institutions that cooperate with the social work centre, such as health care, the judiciary, and the police, plays a difficult role for professionals in building a quality relationship. The social workers in the field of rights need more training to build a quality relationship in their field. Similarly, all women professionals need training to learn strategies to defuse violent relationships, recognise their role in co-constructing hostility, and learn how to manage resistance and work with their interlocutors in respectful and reciprocal ways. Most importantly, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry and the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities are exploring new ways to collaborate and work between social work centres, the justice system, the police and the health system.

Keywords:Social work, quality relationship, communication, relationship-based approaches, working relationship, personal contact, center for social work, action research

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