
Strategije uravnavanja čustev in splošno zdravje pri učiteljih razrednega pouka : magistrsko delo
ID Bobek, Meta (Author), ID Smrtnik Vitulić, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu obravnavamo strategije uravnavanja čustev, splošno zdravje in profesionalni razvoj učiteljev, ki poučujejo v prvih petih razredih osnovnih šol. Zanima nas, kakšne strategije uravnavanja čustev uporabljajo učitelji, kakšno je njihovo splošno zdravje in tudi, ali obstaja povezanost med uporabo različnih strategij uravnavanja čustev in splošnim zdravjem. Ugotavljamo tudi, ali obstajajo razlike med učitelji z različno delovno dobo v pogostosti uravnavanja čustev in v kakovosti splošnega zdravja. V teoretičnem delu najprej opredelimo čustva in proces uravnavanja čustev ter podrobneje opišemo Grossov in Thompsonov (2007) model uravnavanja čustev. V nadaljevanju opredelimo splošno zdravje, opišemo njegove značilnosti in predstavimo izsledke raziskav s področja splošnega zdravja učiteljev. Nato opredelimo profesionalni razvoj in faze, ki jih vključuje, ter podrobneje opišemo S-model profesionalnega razvoja (Javrh, 2007), ki je bil oblikovan posebej za slovenski prostor. V empiričnem delu opišemo izvedeno raziskavo, v kateri je sodelovalo 114 učiteljev, ki poučujejo v prvih petih razredih osnovnih šol v različnih slovenskih regijah/pokrajinah. Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo spletnega anketnega vprašalnika. Rezultati so pokazali, da učitelji za uravnavanje čustev pogosto uporabljajo strategije preusmerjanja pozornosti, kognitivnega prevrednotenja pomena situacije in telesno umirjanje, redkeje pa ostale vrste strategij. Ugotovili smo tudi, da se izbira večine strategij uravnavanja čustev med učitelji z različno delovno dobo večinoma ne razlikuje. Statistično pomembne razlike so se pokazale le pri strategiji preoblikovanja odziva z uporabo psihoaktivnih snovi, ki so jo najpogosteje uporabljali učitelji z enim do treh let delovne dobe. Rezultati so pokazali tudi, da je imelo 56 % učiteljev manjše težave s splošnim zdravjem, 6 % učiteljev pa večje težave s splošnim zdravjem. Učitelji so večinoma ocenili, da je bilo njihovo splošno zdravje v času reševanja vprašalnikov enako kot v preteklosti. Rezultati niso pokazali statistično pomembnih razlik v splošnem zdravju med učitelji z različno delovno dobo. Povezanost med strategijami uravnavanja čustev učiteljev in njihovim splošnim zdravjem večinoma ni bila statistično pomembna. Rezultati raziskave nam omogočajo boljše razumevanje uravnavanja čustev učiteljev, njihovega splošnega zdravja ter njune medsebojne povezanosti. So tudi osnova za ozaveščanje o pomembnosti učinkovitega izražanja čustev učiteljev pri njihovem delu in skrbi za zdravje.

Keywords:čustva, uravnavanje čustev, splošno zdravje, profesionalni razvoj, učitelji razrednega pouka
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Bobek]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF ( 74 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145089 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:148062979 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Emotion Regulation Strategies and General Health of Primary Education Teachers
In this master’s thesis, we discuss the strategies of emotion regulation, general health, and the professional development of primary school teachers of the first five grades. We are interested in which strategies of emotion regulation teachers use, what their general health is like and whether there exists a connection between the use of different strategies for emotion regulation and general health. Furthermore, we set out to find whether there are differences among teachers with different length of service in terms of frequency of emotion regulation and the quality of general health. The theoretical part of the thesis is where we define emotions and the process of emotion regulation as well as describe Gross and Thompson’s (2007) model of emotion regulation in detail. Hereafter, we define general health, describe its features and present research findings from the field of teachers’ general health. Afterwards, we define the professional development of teachers with its phases and describe in detail the developmental S-model of teaching career (Javrh, 2007), which was designed specifically for Slovenian area. In the empirical part, we describe the conducted research, in which 114 teachers of the first five grades from different Slovene regions took part. We gathered the data using an online questionnaire. The results showed that teachers often use strategies of attentional deployment, cognitive reappraisal of situation meaning and modification of physiological response when regulating their emotions, while seldomly using other strategies. We also established that the choice of most of the strategies for emotion regulation among teachers with different length of service does not differ. Statistically significant differences only occurred for the strategy of response modulation using psychoactive substances, which was mostly used by teachers working between one and three years. The results also showed that 56 % of teachers had had fewer impairments regarding general health, while 6 % had had greater impairments. Most teachers declared that their general health was at the time of answering the questionnaires the same as it had been in the past. There were no statistically significant differences in terms of general health among teachers with different length of service. The connection between strategies of emotion regulation and the teachers’ general health was, for the most part, statistically insignificant. The results from the research enable us to better understand teachers’ emotion regulation, their general health, and their interconnectivity. Finally, the results form a basis for spreading awareness about the importance of effective emotion expression in teachers at their work and of their general health.

Keywords:emotions, emotion regulation, general health, professional development, primary class teachers

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