
Sodelovanje specialnega in rehabilitacijskega pedagoga in delovnega terapevta pri vzgoji in izobraževanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami : magistrsko delo
ID Kadunc, Barbara (Author), ID Žgur, Erna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šuc, Lea (Comentor)

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Vzgoja in izobraževanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami zahteva obsežno znanje in skupek različnih veščin, izvajalci le-te pa morajo biti odprti za sodelovanje s strokovnjaki različnih poklicev, da bi lahko zagotovili kar se da celosten in vključujoč izobraževalni proces. V zadnjih dveh desetletjih je v mednarodnem prostoru moč prepoznati potrebo po oblikovanju inkluzivnega izobraževanja za vse otroke. Raziskuje in prepoznava se pomembna vloga interprofesionalnega sodelovanja strokovnjakov različnih poklicev pri tem. Specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi so strokovnjaki, ki so v šolskem prostoru v Sloveniji pomembni nosilci vzgojno izobraževalnih programov za otroke s posebnimi potrebami. Sodelujejo tako s starši, učitelji, vzgojitelji kot z drugimi strokovnjaki. Mednarodne raziskave in teoretične utemeljitve izpostavljajo delovnega terapevta kot enega izmed ključnih članov v medpoklicnem sodelovanju za zagotavljanje kakovostne obravnave otrok s posebnimi potrebami v šolskem okolju. V tujini se delovni terapevti pogosto že vključujejo v šolski prostor in sodelujejo tudi s specialnimi in rehabilitacijskimi pedagogi. Pri nas za pravo interprofesionalno sodelovanje strokovnjakov omenjenih strok še ni ustrezne zakonodajne ureditve in drugih spodbud. Specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi in delovni terapevti se v šolskem okolju pri nas srečujejo v ustanovah, ki izvajajo prilagojene programe vzgoje in izobraževanja, zato smo v magistrskem delu želeli preveriti, na katerih področjih dela sodelujejo. Zanimalo nas je, kje si želijo več sodelovanja in na kakšen način ter kakšne spodbude potrebujejo za izboljšanje sodelovanja. Preverili smo, katere prednosti in ovire prepoznavajo v takšnem sodelovalnem odnosu. Za raziskovanje smo oblikovali dva vprašalnika, za specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagoge ter delovne terapevte, in pridobljene podatke s pomočjo vsebinske analize kvalitativno obdelali. Ugotovili smo, da udeleženci raziskave medsebojno pogosto sodelujejo in svoje sodelovanje ocenjujejo kot dobro. Največ sodelujejo na področjih izbire ustreznih prostorskih prilagoditev, spodbujanja razvoja vsakodnevnih veščin in načrtovanja individualiziranega programa. Želijo si več sodelovanja na področju uvajanja podporne tehnologije ter uporabe senzoričnih metod in pristopov dela. Prednosti takšnega sodelovanja prepoznavajo tako v dobrobiti za razvoj učenca s posebnimi potrebami kot tudi za lasten profesionalni razvoj. Kot največjo oviro prepoznavamo pomanjkanje časa za sodelovanje in preveliko obremenjenost strokovnjakov z delovnimi obveznostmi. V zaključku našega dela smo oblikovali skupne točke uspešnega sodelovanja specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov in delovnih terapevtov, ki lahko služijo kot smernice za uspešno sodelovanje in zagotavljanje celovitejšega in vključujočega izobraževalnega sistema za vse otroke.

Keywords:sodelovanje, specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi, delovni terapevti, vzgoja in izobraževanje, otroci s posebnimi potrebami
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Number of pages:68 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145070 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:147519747 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Collaboration between the Special Education Teacher and the Occupational Therapist in the Education of Children with Special Needs
Education of children with special needs requires extensive knowledge and a diverse set of skills, therefore its practitioners must be open to cooperation with experts from various professions to offer as comprehensive and inclusive educational process as possible. In the last two decades, the need to create inclusive education for all children has been recognized internationally. The importance of interprofessional cooperation of experts from different professions is being researched and recognised. Special education teachers are experts who play a primary role in education for children with special needs in schools in Slovenia. They collaborate with parents, teachers, educators as well as other experts. International research and theoretical argumentation points towards the occupational therapist being one of the key members in the interprofessional cooperation for ensuring quality treatment of children with special needs in the school environment. Abroad, occupational therapists are often already included in the school environment and cooperate with special educators. At present, our nation lacks adequate legislative measures and other incentives for true interprofessional cooperation of experts in the aforementioned fields. In Slovenia special education teachers and occupational therapists working in the school environment meet in institutions with special education programs, which is why in this master's thesis we investigated the areas of work they cooperate in. We were interested in which field they want more cooperation and in what way, and what incentives they need to improve the cooperation. We investigated which advantages and obstacles they recognize in such a collaborative relationship. We designed two questionnaires for the research, one for special education teachers and the other for occupational therapists. We qualitatively processed the obtained data with the help of content analysis. We concluded that the research participants often cooperate with each other and rate their cooperation as good. They most often participate in the areas of choosing appropriate spatial adaptations, encouraging the development of everyday skills and individualized program planning. They want more cooperation in the field of introducing assistive technology and the use of sensory methods. They recognize the advantages of such cooperation both in terms of benefits for the development of a student with special needs, as well as for their own professional development. We observe the lack of time for cooperation and excessive workload as the biggest obstacles. At the conclusion of our work, we identified key elements of successful cooperation of special education teachers and occupational therapists, which can serve as guidelines for successful cooperation in ensuring a more comprehensive and inclusive education system for all children.

Keywords:cooperation, special education teachers, occupational therapists, education, children with special needs

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