
Delavnice za ozaveščanje o gibalni oviranosti za učence drugega triletja osnovne šole : magistrsko delo
ID Ošlak, Maja (Author), ID Žolgar, Ingrid (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Gibalna oviranost je zelo širok pojem, saj se pri posameznikih kaže zelo različno, različne so tudi stopnje prizadetosti in vzroki zanjo. Vzgojno-izobraževalni program, ki temelji na konceptu inkluzije, omogoča gibalno oviranemu učencu, da se šola v šoli, kjer se izvaja prilagojeni izobraževalni program vzgoje in izobraževanja z enakovrednim izobrazbenim standardom v neposredni bližini doma. Pred samim sprejemom otroka z gibalno oviranostjo na šolo je potrebno prilagoditi okolje, didaktično-metodične pripomočke, izobraziti kader, ki bo z otrokom delal, pripraviti vse zaposlene na sprejem gibalno oviranega otroka na šolo in pa kar je ključno, pripraviti vrstnike na sprejem otroka v razredno skupnost. Ker otroci v rednih osnovnih šolah, sploh v manjših krajih, nimajo veliko izkušenj z osebami z gibalno oviranostjo, imajo lahko izoblikovane napačne predstave o gibalni oviranosti, ki so zaradi pomanjkanja znanja pogosto stereotipne in polne predsodkov. Socialno vključevanje otrok z gibalno oviranostjo v razredno skupnost in kasneje tudi širšo družbo je zato ovirano. Otroci brez posebnih potreb za sprejemanje in razumevanje narave funkcioniranja otrok z gibalno oviranostjo potrebujejo neposredno izkušnjo, ki se dotakne njihovega kognitivnega, socialnega in emocionalnega področja. Za namen raziskovalnega dela magistrskega dela so bile oblikovane, izvedene in analizirane izkustvene delavnice z namenom izboljšanja ozaveščenosti in stališč otrok o gibalni oviranosti. Vsebine delavnic so vključevale ključne informacije o področju gibalne oviranosti; vzrokih za nastanek gibalne oviranosti; ortopedskih, tehniških in didaktično-metodičnih pripomočkih, ki jih uporabljajo; izzivih, s katerimi se srečujejo v vsakodnevnem življenju ter o športnih panogah, ki so prilagojene osebam z gibalno oviranostjo. Učinek delavnic je bil spremljan na vzorcu 19 učencev petih razredov devetletne osnovne šole s kratkim inštrumentarijem, ki so ga učenci reševali trikrat. Prvič pred izvedbo delavnic, drugič neposredno po zaključku delavnic in tretjič po preteku dveh mesecev od izvedbe zadnje delavnice. Podatki dobljeni s testom so bili obdelani s statističnim programom SPSS ter kvalitativno in kvantitativno analizirani. Izpeljane delavnice smo po izvedbi vsebinsko in kvalitativno analizirali. Rezultati raziskave potrjujejo učinkovitost izvedene intervencije in kažejo na smiselnost priprave in izvedbe izkustvenih delavnic za izboljšanje ozaveščenosti učencev o področju gibalne oviranosti.

Keywords:inkluzija, ozaveščenost, delavnice, osebe z gibalno oviranostjo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (77 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144961 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:146698243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Workshops to Raise Awareness of Physical Disabilities for Second-Triad Primary School Students
Mobility impairment is a very broad term as it manifests itself very differently in individuals; the degrees of impairment and its causes also vary. The educational programme based on the concept of inclusion enables physically challenged students to study in a school where an adapted program of education with an equivalent educational standard is implemented in the immediate vicinity of their home. Before admitting a child with a physical disability to school, it is necessary to adapt the environment and didactic-methodical aids. The staff working with the child must be trained and all employees prepared to admit a child with a physical disability to school and, most importantly, peers must be prepared to admit the child to the class community. Since children in conventional primary schools, especially in smaller towns, do not have much experience with people with mobility impairments, they may have misconceptions about them; these are often stereotyped and full of prejudices due to lack of awareness. The social inclusion of children with mobility impairments in the class community and later also in wider society is therefore hindered. Children without special needs require direct experience that moves their cognitive, social and emotional areas to accept and understand the nature of functioning of children with mobility disabilities. Experiential workshops were designed, implemented and analysed as part of the master’s thesis with the aim of improving the awareness and attitudes of children about mobility disabilities. The contents of the workshops included key information on the field, its causes, orthopaedic, technical and didactic-methodical aids they use and the challenges they face in everyday life and sports industries that are adapted to people with mobility impairments. The effect of the workshops was monitored on a sample of 19 students in the fifth grade of a nine-year primary school with a short test which the students solved three times. The first time before the workshop, the second time immediately after the workshop and the third time after two months had passed since the last workshop. The data obtained from the test were processed with the statistical program SPSS and analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. The content and quality of the workshops were analysed after their implementation. The results of the research confirm the effectiveness of the implemented intervention and indicate the usefulness of preparing and conducting experiential workshops to improve students' awareness of the field of mobility impairments.

Keywords:inclusion, awareness, workshops, people with mobility impairments

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