
Les in leseni elementi v krajinski tvornosti občine Kostanjevica na Krki
ID Molan, Andreja (Author), ID Schmitzer, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo preučuje zgodovino rabe lesa in lesenih elementov v krajinski tvornosti v občini Kostanjevica na Krki. Tu je namreč ohranjenih še nekaj lesenih mostov, velja pa tudi za prostor kulturne dediščine. Les je prepoznaven gradnik arhitekture in umetnosti, zato se zdi to območje primerno za preučevanje odnosa rabe lesa v kulturni krajini. Dediščina lesenih elementov je tu bogata in raznolika, a nemalokrat pozabljena in prepuščena propadu. Naloga opozarja na značilne lesene elemente v krajini, in kjer je mogoče, definira lesno vrsto, ki jih tvori. Na terenskih ogledih sem beležila prisotnost tipičnih lesenih elementov kot so kozolci, kašče, skednji, hrami, hiše, mostovi, ograje, klopi, itn. Še posebej me je zanimala vrsta in lokalna prisotnost uporabljenega lesa. Pripravila sem Katalog lesenih elementov vgradnje na prostem na območju občine Kostanjevica na Krki, ki nudi vpogled v raznolikost lesenih elementov in uporabljenih lesnih vrst na obravnavanem območju. Končni rezultati so prikazani na kartah, ki prikazujejo povezavo med rastišči določene lesne vrste in uporabo lesa pri vgradnji na prostem. Ugotovila sem, da je osnovno konstrukcijsko gradivo kozolcev, ki se nahajajo v ravninskem delu občine, hrastovina, medtem ko so tisti v gričevnatem delu občine največkrat grajeni iz kostanjevega lesa. V ravninskem delu občine so les pridobivali iz nižinskega krakovskega gozda, kjer prevladujejo rastišča hrasta (Quercus sp.), medtem ko so v gričevnatem delu Gorjancev večinoma uporabljali kostanjev les. Največ lesenih elementov v občini pripada forma vivi. Gre za umetniška dela, razpostavljena ob galeriji in Kostanjevici na Krki, za katera skrbi Galerija Božidar Jakac. Ne glede na število gre za izjemo, ki pa zaradi svoje, zdaj že dolgoletne vpetosti v kraj postaja ena od njegovih značilnosti. Med tipičnimi elementi kulturne krajine po številu izstopajo kozolci, ograje, skednji in hlevi. Posebnost v občini Kostanjevica na Krki so leseni elementi, vezani na vodno okolje; brodišča, pomoli in mostovi, med katerimi je več kot polovica dobro ohranjenih, nekateri pa propadajo. Nekaj najlepše ohranjenih primerov lesene krajinsko-arhitekturne dediščine najdemo med kozolci, hišami, mostovi, nadstreški, drvarnicami in utami. Najslabše ohranjeni pa so skednji, svinjaki in stopnice ter nekaj primerov lesenih hiš.

Keywords:krajinska arhitektura, les, lokalno gradivo, kulturna krajina, Kostanjevica na Krki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144894 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:146262019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.03.2023
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Title:Wood and wooden elements in landscape construction in Kostanjevica na Krki Municipality
The master's thesis examines the history of the use of wood and wooden elements in landscape construction in the municipality of Kostanjevica na Krki. The area is well-known for its preserved wooden bridges, and it is considered a site of cultural heritage. Wood is a recognizable building element of architecture and art in provided area and it seemed suitable for the analysis of wooden elements in the cultural landscape. Kostanjevica na Krki has a rich and diverse heritage regarding wooden elements; however, these are often forgotten and left to decay. This thesis emphasizes distinctive wooden elements in the landscape and, where possible, specifies the wood species that construct them. During field visits, I recorded the presence of typical wooden elements such as hayracks, granaries, barns, cottages and houses, bridges, fences, benches, etc. The focus of this work is to determine the type and the source of the wood utilized in wooden elements. I developed a catalog of wooden elements for outdoor installation in the municipality of Kostanjevica na Krki. The inventory offers an insight into the variety of wooden elements as well as the wood species used. Final results are represented in maps depicting the connection between the wood species growing in the region and the use of this wood in architectural elements. I discovered that hayracks’ basic construction material in the municipality’s lowlands was oak (Quercus sp.) primarily sourced from the low-lying Krakovski forest, where oak trees dominate. On the other hand, hayracks in the municipality’s hills were mainly built out of chestnut (Castanea sativa) wood, which was primarily obtained in the hilly Gorjanci forests where chestnut trees are prevalent. Most wooden elements in the municipality belong to Forma viva. These artworks, located near the gallery and around town, are taken care of by the Božidar Jakac Gallery. Regardless of the number, this is an exception that, due to its long-standing integration into the place, is becoming one of its characteristics. Among classical elements hayracks stand out, followed by fences, barns, and stables. Noteworthy are wooden elements connected to the aquatic environment such as wharves, piers, and bridges. Some of the best preserved examples of wooden elements are hayracks, houses, bridges, wood sheds, and garden huts, whereas barns, pigsties, stairs and some houses, are generally poorly conserved.

Keywords:landscape architecture, wood, local material, cultural landscape, Kostanjevica na Krki

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