
Vpliv prehranskih obogatitev na vedenje črnih čopičark (Callithrix penicillata) v Živalskem vrtu Ljubljana
ID Ratkajec, Doroteja (Author), ID Glavan, Gordana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vedenjska stimulacija živali v živalskih vrtovih z obogatitvenimi predmeti je zelo pomembna za njihovo preživetje in dobro počutje. V splošnem je zaželeno, da takšni predmeti stimulirajo predvsem aktivna in socialna vedenja. Namen naloge je analiza vpliva različnih prehranskih obogatitvenih premetov s smolo na vedenja črnih čopičark v Živalskem vrtu Ljubljana. Pri tem nas je zanimalo, kateri obogatitveni predmet s smolo poveča delež aktivnih in socialnih vedenj ter zmanjša delež neaktivnih vedenj. Skupino sedmih odraslih čopičark smo snemali tekom treh zaporednih tednov, vsak teden po pet dni, 30 minut na dan. Prvi teden smo jih izpostavili kontrolnemu hranilniku s smolo, ki ga v živalskem vrtu standardno uporabljajo. Drugi teden smo jih izpostavili navpičnemu hranilniku s smolo, zadnji teden pa vodoravnemu. Posnetke smo analizirali s programom BORIS ter izračunali deleže trajanja in frekvence vedenj. Ugotovili smo, da je prisotnost vodoravnega hranilnika najbolj povečala delež aktivnih vedenj in najbolj zmanjšala delež neaktivnih vedenj, in sicer trajanje in frekvence, predvsem na račun krajšega počivanja. Najpogostejše vedenje je bilo brskanje, ki je bilo pogostejše ob izpostavitvi vodoravnemu hranilniku, v primerjavi z navpičnim in kontrolnim hranilnikom. Izpostavitev navpičnemu hranilniku je povečala delež časa socialnih vedenj, predvsem na račun daljšega negovanja in socialne igre, v primerjavi z vodoravnim ali kontrolnim hranilnikom. Živali so se pogosteje in dlje časa ukvarjale z navpičnim in vodoravnim hranilnikom, v primerjavi s kontrolo. Ugotovili smo, da je uporaba vodoravnega hranilnika najbolj vplivala na povečanje deleža aktivnih vedenj in zmanjšanje deleža neaktivnih vedenj, uporaba navpičnega pa na povečanje deleža socialnih vedenj. Zato sklepamo, da sta vodoravni in navpični hranilnik primernejša za vedenjsko stimulacijo črnih čopičark kot kontrolni, rutinsko uporabljeni hranilnik.

Keywords:črne čopičarke, živalski vrt, vedenje, obogatitveni predmet, drevesna smola
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[D. Ratkajec]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144820 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:146376195 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of different food enrichments on behaviour of black-tufted marmosets (Callithrix penicillata) in ZOO Ljubljana
Behavioural stimulation of animals in ZOOs with different enrichment items is necessary for their optimal survival and welfare. In general, it is desirable that these items increase active and social behaviour. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of different gum-based enrichment items on black ear-tufted marmosets’ behaviour in ZOO Ljubljana. We wished to find out which gum feeder increases active and social and decreases inactive behaviours. We recorded a group of 7 adult marmosets for three weeks, each week for five days, 30 minutes per day. In the first week, marmosets were exposed to a control gum feeder, which is standardly used in the ZOO. In the second week, animals were exposed to a vertical gum feeder, and in the third, to a horizontal gum feeder. We analysed the recordings with the software BORIS and calculated the proportion of frequency and duration of different behaviours. We found out that exposure to a horizontal gum feeder most effectively increased active and decreased inactive behaviours, both frequency and duration, as compared to other gum feeders, mainly due to decreased resting behaviour. Most common active behaviours were search for food and observing with interest. Both were also more frequent, as compared to the exposure to vertical and control gum feeders. The presence of vertical gum feeder increased social behaviours, as compared to horizontal and control gum feeders, due to allogrooming and social play. The animals engaged with the vertical and horizontal feeders more often and for a longer time, as compared to the control. We determined that exposing marmosets to the horizontal gum feeder made them more active, while they became more social in the presence of the vertical gum feeder. We conclude that vertical and horizontal gum feeders are more appropriate for behavioural stimulation in black ear-tufted marmosets than the control, standardly used gum feeder.

Keywords:black ear-tufted marmoset, ZOO, behaviour, enrichment, tree gum

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