
Primerjalna analiza učnih načrtov učnih jezikov v Sloveniji in Angliji ter tujega jezika v Sloveniji s poudarkom na književnosti : magistrsko delo
ID Gojić, Maja (Author), ID Blažič, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je preučiti in primerjati šolska sistema v Sloveniji in Angliji ter se pri tem osredotočiti na primerjavo učnih načrtov učnih jezikov ter tujega jezika angleščine, in sicer s poudarkom na književnosti. Eden izmed ciljev vzgoje in izobraževanja je mednarodna primerljivost izobraženosti, ki pa jo dosežemo z uskladitvijo učnih načrtov in standardov znanj z državo, s katero se želimo primerjati (Krek in Metljak, 2011). Glede na to, da Anglija že od leta 2006 dosega nadpovprečne rezultate pri bralni pismenosti raziskave PISA, je potrebno preučiti, kako se njihov učni načrt učnega jezika razlikuje od našega, pri čemer sem se zaradi obsega učnega načrta osredotočila le na področje književnosti. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila obe državi, tj. njun šolski sistem (stopnje izobraževanja, klasifikacija ISCED, predmetnik, sistem ocenjevanja itd.). To je izhodišče za empirični del, kjer sem naredila primerjalno analizo dveh različnih šolskih sistemov in njunih predmetnikov, učnih načrtov učnih jezikov in tujega jezika v Sloveniji ter učbenikov za spodbujanje bralne pismenosti. Z iskanjem razlik in podobnosti ter prednosti in pomanjkljivosti sem v zaključku tako laže podala smiselne predloge za posodobitev slovenskega učnega načrta, ki bi lahko pripomogli k izboljšanju procesa bralne pismenosti učencev v slovenskih osnovnih šolah.

Keywords:slovenski šolski sistem, angleški šolski sistem, učni načrt, učbeniki, tuji jezik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Gojić
Number of pages:XIII, 83 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144744 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:145138179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Comparative Analysis of Primary Language National Curricula in Slovenia and England, and Foreign Language in Slovenia with Literature Focus
The purpose of the master's thesis is to study and compare school systems in Slovenia and England, by focusing on the curricula of the teaching languages and the foreign language, with an emphasis on literacy. One of the goals of education systems is the international comparability, which can be achieved by harmonizing curricula and performance standards with the country we want to compare with. (Krek and Metljak, 2011). According to the PISA results, England has been performing above average in reading literacy since 2006, so it is necessary to examine how their curriculum differs from ours. Because of the scope of the curriculum, I have focused only on the literacy area. In the theoretical part, I presented both countries and their school systems (levels of education, ISCED classification, curriculum, grading system, etc.). Theoretical part was the basis for the empirical part, where I made a comparative analysis of two different school systems and their subjects, curricula of teaching languages, foreign languages in Slovenia, and literacy textbooks. By finding the differences and similarities, as well as advantages and disadvantages, I was able to make meaningful suggestions for updating the Slovenian curriculum, which could help to improve the reading literacy process of students in Slovenian primary schools.

Keywords:Slovenian school system, English school system, curriculum, textbooks, foreign language

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