
Odnos milenijcev do lastne pridelave in predelave hrane v urbanih okoljih
ID Vabič, Ana (Author), ID Kuhar, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj naše raziskave je bil preučiti odnos milenijcev do lastne pridelave in predelave hrane v urbanih okoljih v Sloveniji in ugotoviti, koliko mladih odraslih se trenutno ukvarja z vrtnarjenjem in izdelavo lastnih živil, kakšen odnos imajo do pridelave in predelave hrane, kako na ta odnos vplivajo družina in prijatelji ter ali bodo v aktivnostih urbanega kmetijstva sodelovali tudi v prihodnosti. V raziskavo smo vključili 118 anketirancev (88 žensk (74,6 %) in 30 moških (25,4 %)), rojene med leti 1980 in 2000, ki živijo pretežno v urbanem okolju. Anketiranci so izpolnili spletni anketni vprašalnik, kjer so z odgovori na vprašanja podali mnenja o njihovem odnosu in stališču do pridelave in predelave hrane, kako se v aktivnostih urbanega kmetijstva udejstvujejo, kako na njihovo udejstvovanje vplivajo subjektivne norme in kakšen je njihov lasten potencial, karakteristike, kompetence in spretnosti za samoproizvodnjo. Z empirično raziskavo smo zavrnili prvo delovno hipotezo, ki trdi, da se manj kot polovica mladih odraslih v urbanih okoljih udejstvuje v aktivnostih lastne pridelave in izdelave lastnih živil. Ostale zastavljene delovne hipoteze smo potrdili in s tem dokazali, da tako odnos, kot tudi subjektivne norme in zaznani vedenjski nadzor na področju lastne pridelave in predelave statistično signifikantno pozitivno vplivajo na vedenjsko namero sodelovanja v urbanem kmetijstvu. Rezultati kažejo, da se bo udeleženost mladih odraslih v urbanem kmetijstvu in izdelavi lastnih živil v prihodnosti povečevalo.

Keywords:lastna pridelava hrane, lastna predelava hrane, samooskrba, urbanizem, teorija načrtovanega vedenja, milenijci, generacijske kohorte
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[A. Vabič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144707 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:144550659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes and behavioral intentions of Millennials towards production and processing of food in urban farming initiatives
The aim of our research was to examine the attitudes of millennials towards growing and processing their own food in urban environments in Slovenia and to find out how many young adults are currently involved in gardening and making their own food products, what attitudes they have towards growing and processing food, how these attitudes are influenced by family and friends, and whether they will continue to participate in urban farming activities in the future. The survey included 118 respondents (88 women (74.6%) and 30 men (25.4%)) born between 1980 and 2000, living in a predominantly urban environment. Respondents completed an online questionnaire, answering questions to give their views on their attitudes and statements towards food production and processing, how they engage in urban agriculture activities, how subjective norms influence their engagement, and what their own potential, characteristics, competences and skills for self-production are. Through empirical research we rejected the first working hypothesis, which states that less than half of young adults in urban environments engage in the activities of their own cultivation and production of their own food. We confirmed all other working hypotheses and thereby proved that both attitude, as well as subjective norms and perceived behavioral control in the field of self-production and food processing have a statistically significant positive effect on the behavioral intention to participate in urban agriculture. The results show that the participation of young adults in urban agriculture and the production of their own food will increase in the future.

Keywords:gardening, food production, self production, urbanism, theory of planned behavior, millennials, generational cohorts

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