
Dokazovanje učinkovitosti požarnih zaščit armiranobetonskih konstrukcij
ID Zobarič, Mateja (Author), ID Kolšek Češarek, Jerneja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Češarek, Peter (Comentor)

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Prvi del naloge predstavlja, kakšni so problemi armiranobetonskih konstrukcij pri požaru (npr. eksplozijsko luščenje) in kako lahko te probleme rešujemo s požarnimi zaščitami. Drugi del naloge se posveča predstavitvi standarda SIST EN 13381-3, ki je namenjen preskušanjem učinkovitosti takšnih zaščit v požarnih pečeh in predpisuje način izvedbe ter minimalno število potrebnih testiranj. Poleg minimalnega števila preskušanj standard predlaga še neobvezna dodatna požarna testiranja, ne navaja pa, kakšne prednosti bi ta lahko pomenila za naročnika preskušanja (običajno proizvajalec testirane požarne zaščite). Na to vprašanje poskuša odgovoriti zadnji del naloge, v katerem bomo na konkretnem izbranem primeru poskušali ugotoviti, kakšna je razlika med požarno odpornostjo AB plošče, izračunane na podlagi manj natančnih podatkov o požarni zaščiti, in požarno odpornostjo, ki jo pridobimo z izračunom z natančnejšimi podatki o požarni zaščiti.

Keywords:požarna odpornost, požar, standard Evrokod, Abaqus
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144618 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Proving the effectiveness of fire-protected reinforced concrete structures
The first part of the thesis presents the problems of reinforced concrete structures in case of fire (e.g., explosive spalling) and how these problems can be solved with fire protection. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the presentation of the SIST EN 13381-3 standard, which is intended for testing the effectiveness of such protections in fire furnaces and prescribes the method of implementation and the minimum number of necessary tests. In addition to the minimum number of tests, the standard also suggests optional additional fire tests, but does not indicate what advantages this could mean for the client (usually the manufacturer of the tested fire protection). The last part of the thesis tries to answer this question. The difference between the fire resistance of an AB board, calculated based on less accurate data on fire protection, versus the fire resistance obtained by calculation with more accurate data of fire protection is demonstrated on a specific selected example.

Keywords:fire resistance, fire, Eurocode standard, Abaqus

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