
Prototip spletne rešitve za iskanje glasbenih dogodkov
ID RIJAVEC, AMBROŽ (Author), ID Rožanc, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo opisuje razvoj prototipa spletne aplikacije Partygoer, ki je namenjena vsakemu, ki si želi poiskati glasbene dogodke na izbrani lokaciji. Glavni cilj je omogočanje dostopa do velike količine različnih glasbenih dogodkov iz različnih prizorišč na enem mestu. Najprej so opisane podobne obstoječe aplikacije in njihovo delovanje. Aplikacija je bila razvita s pomočjo programskih jezikov HTML, CSS in JavaScript. Sestavljata jo čelni del, v katerem je celotno delovanje in prikaz strani, ter zaledje, v katerem se izvajajo operacije za pridobivanje podatkov iz različnih virov. Na vstopni strani uporabnik vpiše državo in mesto, v katerem želi poiskati glasbene dogodke, nakar se mu prikaže stran z vsemi zbranimi dogodki. Vsak dogodek je nato še posamično predstavljen na svoji strani s sliko, osnovnimi podatki, vremensko napovedjo na dan dogodka, gumbom za nakup vstopnice, zemljevidom ter krajšim opisom dogodka. V ozadju se beležijo tudi podatki za analitiko uporabe strani, ki služi za podrobnejši vpogled nad uporabnikovo interakcijo s stranjo. Prototip aplikacije nam je uspelo dodelati do te mere, da jo lahko objavimo na spletu za splošno uporabo.

Keywords:glasbeni dogodki, JavaScript, ogrodje React, Node.js
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144580 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:144034307 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Prototype of web solution for finding musical events
The thesis, describes the development of a prototype of the web application named Partygoer, which is intended for anyone who wants to find music events in a chosen location. The main goal of the web application is to provide access to a large amount of different music events from different venues in one place. First, some similar existing applications and their operation are described. The application was developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming languages. It consists of the frontend, where the entire operation and display of the page is located, and the backend, in which the operations are performed to obtain data from various sources. On the entry page the user enters the country and city in which he wants to search for musical events. Then a page with all collected events is displayed to him. Each event is presented individually on its own page with a picture, basic information, weather forecast on the day of the event, a button to buy a ticket, a map and a brief description of the event. Page usage data is also recorded in the background, which provides a more detailed overview of the user's interaction with the page. We managed to refine the prototype of the application to the point where it can be published for common use.

Keywords:music events, JavaScript, framework React, Node.js

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