
Pregled testnih baterij za ugotavljanje kakovosti gibanja : magistrsko delo
ID Zupan, Anže (Author), ID Pori, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil nabor, predstavitev in analiza obstoječih sistemov za ocenjevanje kakovosti gibanja. Delo je bilo monografskega tipa. Vanj je bilo zajetih 8 testnih baterij za ocenjevanje gibalnih vzorcev in ena testna baterija, ki poleg testiranja gibalnih vzorcev vsebuje tudi preverjanje sposobnosti izvedbe izoliranih gibov v posameznih sklepih in analizo statične drže. Za vsako testno baterijo smo navedli njene avtorje, njihov namen, razlog nastanka, kriterij ocenjevanja ter natančno predstavitev posameznih testov. V le-to smo zajeli besedilni in slikovni opis, navodila za ocenjevanje in najbolj pogoste napake, ki se pojavljajo na testih. S pomočjo predstavljenih sistemov si bodo strokovni delavci v športu lahko izbrali sistem, ki najbolj ustreza njihovemu delu, ali pa si bodo iz vseh predstavljenih testov sestavili svojo testno baterijo. V delo smo vključili tudi najnovejše raziskave in strokovno literaturo. Zanimalo nas je predvsem predvidevanje poškodb s pomočjo testiranja gibalnih vzorcev, uporabnost testiranja gibalnih vzorcev v kondicijski pripravi športnikov, strukturiranje programa treninga s pomočjo predhodnega testiranja in učinkovitost gibalnih intervencij po opravljenem testiranju. Največ raziskav se nanaša na testno baterijo FMS, ki je med strokovnimi delavci tudi najbolj poznana in uporabljena. Za ostale testne baterije je število raziskav zelo omejeno. S pregledom literature smo ugotovili sledeče: predvidevanje poškodb s testiranjem gibalnih vzorcev je omejeno, testne baterije, ki so bile zajete v različne raziskave, niso primerne za ocenjevanje kondicijske pripravljenosti športnikov, na področju gibalne intervencije primanjkuje raziskav, da bi lahko z gotovostjo govorili o njeni učinkovitosti.

Keywords:kakovost gibanja, gibalni vzorci, testna baterija, FMS
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144570 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:149096451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.03.2023
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The purpose of the Master's thesis was to gather, present and analyse existing systems for evaluating the quality of movement. The work was monographic type. It included eight test batteries for evaluating movement patterns and one test battery, which, in addition to testing movement patterns, also includes checking the ability to perform isolated movements in individual joints and analysis of static posture. For each test battery, we have listed its authors, the purpose and reason for its creation, evaluation criteria and a detailed presentation of individual tests. They include a textual and pictorial description, instructions for evaluation and the most common errors that appear on the tests. With the help of the presented systems, coaches and other experts will be able to choose the system that best suits them, or they can set up their own test battery from all the presented tests. We also included the latest researches and literatures. We were mainly interested in the prediction of injuries with the help of movement pattern testing, the usefulness of movement pattern testing in the fitness preparation of athletes, the structuring of a training program with the help of preliminary testing, and the effectiveness of movement interventions after testing. Most of the research is related to the FMS test battery, which is also the most known and used among professionals. For other test batteries, the number of studies is very limited. By reviewing the literature, we found out the following: the prediction of injuries by testing movement patterns is limited, the test batteries which were included in the different researches are not suitable for assessing the physical fitness of athletes, there is a lack of research in the field of movement intervention to be able to speak with certainty about its effectiveness.

Keywords:movement quality, movement patterns, test battery, FMS

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