
Med trajnim in začasnim-akcijska strategija revitalizacije industrijske dediščine-idejna zasnova objekta ključavničarstva na območju Smodnišnice v Kamniku
ID Šimnovec, Jan (Author), ID Filipič Gorenšek, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mihelčič, Sinan (Comentor)

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Smodnišnica, nekoč uspešno delujoč kompleks za proizvodnjo smodnika, je danes močno degradirano območje. Stihijska in ilegalna gradnja, rušitev industrijske dediščine, nekontrolirana sečnja krajinske arhitekturne, 'monoprogramskost' rabe prostora in drobljenje lastništva območja je le nekaj primerov današnje prostorske problematike. Kljub temu, se na južnem območju kompleksa ustvarjajo novi zametki kreativne in kulturne četrti, ki počasi prodirajo v prostor in spreminjajo prostorsko politiko. Območje, z imenom Kreativna četrt Barutana, kot glavnega protagonista razvoja uporablja začasne rabe prostora. Za razliko od bolj formalnih, trajnih posegov v prostor, je njihov odziv na prostor veliko hitrejši, omogoča bolj organski in večstopenjski razvoj, njihova neformalnost pa ustvarja boljše pogoje za dialog z uporabniki prostora. Na primerih tujih in domačih dobrih praks, lahko to metodologijo prepoznamo kot uspešno strategijo revitalizacije območij in stavb. Ta se ne izrablja zgolj za začetne zagonske faze temveč kot vseživljenjska praksa stavb in območij. Projekt z enako metodologijo začasnih rab, obravnava revitalizacijo zapuščene in propadajoče delavnice Ključavničarstvo. Ta se nahaja v središču Kreativne četrti Barutana in bi s svojo prenovo predstavljala pomembno pridobitev za širitev četrti. Ključavničarstvo, kot center kulturnega in kreativnega ustvarjanja, bi postal hibrid trajnih in začasnih rab, program pa bi ostal prilagodljiv, aktualen in kritičen.

Keywords:prenova, revitalizacija, industrijska dediščina, začasna raba, trajna raba, kreativna četrt barutana, kreativni sektor, kultura, ključavničarstvo, smodnišnica, kamnik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144518 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:138477827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.02.2023
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Title:Between permanent and temporary – action strategy for industrial heritage revitalization – schematic design of Ključavničarstvo building in Smodnišnica in Kamnik
Smodnišnica, was once a successfully operating complex of factories for the gunpowder production. Today the area is heavily degraded, full of spontaneous and illegal construction, demolition of industrial heritage, uncontrolled deforestation, 'monoprogrampromatic' use of space and fragmentation of area ownership are just a few examples of today's spatial problems. A contrast to that is the new creative and cultural quarter, that is starting to develop on the southern part of Smodnišnica and is slowly revitalizing the space and changing the spatial policies. The area, called Creative district Barutana, employs temporary uses as the main protagonist of the spatial development. Unlike more formal, permanent uses, their response to the space is much faster, enables a more organic and multi-level development. Their informal character also creates better conditions for dialogue with the users of the space. Based on examples of similar foreign and local projects, this methodology is being recognized as a successful strategy for the revitalization of areas and buildings. It is a strategy that is not only used for the initial start-up phases, but as a lifelong mindset for building and development. In this project, the same methodology of temporary uses is employed, to revitalize the abandoned and dilapidated building Ključavničarstvo, located in the center of Creative district Barutana. Its renovation could be important for the expansion of the creative district. Ključavničarstvo, as a new center of culture and creativity, would become a hybrid of permanent and temporary uses, that would allow a flexible, relevant and critical programs.

Keywords:renovation, revitalization, industrial heritage, temporary use, permanent use, creative district barutana, creative sector, culture, ključavničarstvo, smodnišnica, kamnik

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