
Analiza stroškov in koristi posameznih ukrepov pri projektiranju nizkoenergijske enodružinske hiše
ID Kašič, Dušan (Author), ID Kokalj, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pajek, Luka (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi smo se za primer projektiranja nizkoenergijske enodružinske hiše osredotočili predvsem na stroške gradnje tovrstne hiše in na korist v kontekstu znižane rabe energije v obdobju več let. Predstavili smo posamezne ukrepe nizkoenergijske gradnje, določili njihove stroške ter s pomočjo analize stroškov in koristi (CBA) prikazali, ali so posamezne investicije upravičene. Analizo smo izvedli na primeru hiše, ki sem jo sprojektiral ob zaključevanju Srednje gradbene šole v Novem mestu. Dodatno smo v diplomski nalogi prikazali tudi načrt prezračevalnega sistema za izbrano hišo. Predstavili smo posamezne dele sistema ter razložili njegov potek po celotnem objektu in njegovo delovanje. Za vse primere smo določili izgube toplote, strošek celotne investicije in povračilo stroškov za izbrano dobo. Izkazalo se je, da so za primer izbrane stavbe določene investicije smiselne, druge pa ne, kar smo upravičili z analizo stroškov in koristi.

Keywords:toplotna izolacija, zrakotesnost, stroški, rekuperacija, čas povračila investicije, nizkoenergijska gradnja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144503 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.02.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Cost-benefit analysis of individual measures in the design of a low-energy single-family house
In my diploma thesis, I focused mainly on the costs of designing a low-energy single-family house and on the benefits in terms of reduced energy consumption over a period of several years. I have presented the individual measures of low-energy building, determined their costs, and demonstrated through a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) whether the individual investments are justified. I carried out the analysis using the example of a house that I designed in final year of the Secondary school of Construction in Novo mesto. I also presented the design of the ventilation system for the selected house in the thesis. I presented the individual parts of the system and explained its course through the building and its operation. For all cases, I have calculated the heat losses, the costs of the total investment and the cost recovery for the selected period. For the case of the selected building, it turned out that certain investments make sense and others do not, which I justified with a CBA.

Keywords:thermal insulation, airtightness, costs, heat recovery, payback period, low-energy construction

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