
Uporaba nestandardnih formatov pri pouku likovne umetnosti : magistrsko delo
ID Sorta, Katja (Author), ID Brumen-Čop, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Selan, Jurij (Comentor)

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Zavajajoče prepričanje o popolni svobodi izbire formata kot prvi korak v procesu likovne ustvarjalnosti potrjuje aktivna uporaba standardnih formatov, ne le pri pouku likovne umetnosti v osnovnih šolah, temveč v likovni ustvarjalnosti nasploh. V namen zavedanja in ozaveščanja o nestandardnih formatih sem zasnovala koncept magistrskega dela, ki je odraz lastne praktične izkušnje skozi vsa leta ustvarjanja, vse do racionalne odločitve o intenzivnejšem zavedanju izkoriščanja vseh komponent formata. V magistrskem delu sprva opredelim pojem format, nadalje pa izpostavim pomembnost in vlogo formata, njegove značilnosti ter druga likovno-teoretična izhodišča, ki se povezujejo s formatom. Sledi predstavitev umetnikov in izpostavitev posameznih likovnih del, zasnovanih na nestandardnih formatih, ter ponazoritev in analiza lastnih likovno-praktičnih interpretacij. Izpeljala sem raziskavo, katere namen je bil preveriti, v kolikšni meri učenci pri pouku likovne umetnosti na predmetni stopnji uporabljajo nestandardizirane formate. Obenem sem želela ugotoviti, kateri so razlogi za neuporabo nestandardiziranih formatov, in ali učenci format izbirajo sami, ali jim ga dodelijo učitelji. Sočasno sem nameravala izvedeti tudi, kakšni so odzivi učencev ob uporabi teh formatov. V namen raziskave sem uporabila kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo in kvantitativen raziskovalni pristop. Merski instrument je bil anketni vprašalnik. Vzorec je zajemal 113 učiteljev likovne umetnosti v slovenskih osnovnih šolah. Od tega je bilo 80 % žensk in 20 % moških, njihova povprečna delovna doba pa je znašala 20,9 let. Rezultati raziskave potrjujejo, da pri pouku likovne umetnosti v osnovnih šolah po Sloveniji dominira uporaba formata A3. Kot glavni razlog za neuporabo nestandardnih formatov je navedena ekonomičnost, le nekoliko manjši odstotek anketiranih pa krivi časovno stisko in prostorsko omejitev. Kljub dominantni vlogi A3-formata, se je izkazalo, da uporaba nestandardnih formatov pri pouku likovne umetnosti še zdaleč ni zanemarljiva, saj jo potrjuje kar 98 % anketiranih učiteljev. Likovni pedagogi se obenem strinjajo, da bi bila večja pojavnost teh formatov pri realizaciji likovnih nalog dobro motivacijsko sredstvo za učence in rezultat zanimivejši ter izvirnejši izdelki.

Keywords:format, standardni formati, nestandardni formati
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Sorta
Number of pages:54 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144435 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:142832387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.02.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Using Non-Standard Formats in Art Lessons
The misleading belief about a completely free choice of a format as the first step in the art process is proven by an active use of the standard formats, not only in elementary school art classes, but also in creativity itself. In order to be aware and make people aware of nonstandard formats use, I built the concept of this master’s degree thesis, which reflects my own practical experience through all the years of making art, until the rational choice for more intensive realization of making use of all the format components. Firstly, I define the term format in my thesis, then, I focus on the importance and role of the format, its characteristics and other theory starting points, connected to the format. A presentation of artists and stressing art works, designed on nonstandard formats, follows, as well as presentation and analysis of my own practical interpretations. By carrying out a survey, I intended to check to what extend do students in art classes of lower secondary level of education use nonstandard formats. I also wanted to find out the reasons for nonstandard format disuse and whether students choose the format or is it assigned by teachers. Simultaneously, I intended to learn about students’ feedbacks on nonstandard format use. In order to research, I used causal nonexperimental method and quantitative approach. A survey questionnaire served as measurement instrument. The sample included 113 teachers of art in Slovene elementary schools. Female teachers represented 80 % of the sample, whereas male teachers represented 20 % of it. Their working years add up to 20,9 years on average. Research outcome proves the dominant use of A3 format in Slovene elementary school art classes. Economy is the main reason, stated for nonstandard formats not being used, somewhat smaller percent of the respondents blames time and space constraint. Even though A3 format use dominates, it has been shown that the use of nonstandard formats in art classes is not to be disregarded, as it has been confirmed by 98 % of the interviewed teachers. Art teachers agree that more frequent occurrence of nonstandard formats in realization of art projects would be a good motivation for students, and more interesting and unique art products would be the result.

Keywords:format, standard formats, nonstandard formats

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