
Sinteza z litijem bogatih oksidov prehodnih kovin
ID Pezdirc, Rok (Author), ID Dominko, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Marinšek, Marjan (Comentor)

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Z litijem bogati oksidi prehodnih kovin (LMR-TMO) so skupina katodnih materialov, ki se jih lahko uporablja v litij ionskih akumulatorjih. Zaradi večjega deleža litija in odsotnosti kobalta v strukturi materiala, predstavljajo LMR-TMO cenejšo in bolj zmogljivo alternativo katodnim materialom na trgu. Z magistrskim delom smo želeli uspešno uporabiti sintezni postopek, ki se ga uporablja za pridobivanje NMC katodnih materialov, za sintezo LMR-TMO materiala. Po uspešni sintezi NMC materialov, smo sintezno tehniko uporabili za pridobitev ciljnega materiala. Vzorce smo nato analizirali s pomočjo vrstične elektronske mikroskopije in rentgenske praškovne difrakcije. Sintetizirane materiale smo uporabili kot aktivni material v katodah. Sestavili smo laboratorijske akumulatorje ter jih podvrgli ciklom polnjenja in praznjenja. Z analizami smo ugotovili, da smo uspešno pridobili želene materiale, hkrati pa smo preučili kako se je material odrezal, ko smo ga uporabili v celicah.

Keywords:Litij-ionski akumulatorji, LMR-TMO, NMC, sinteza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144401 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:142830083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.02.2023
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Title:Synthesis of Lithium Rich Transition Metal Oxides
Lithium rich transition metal oxides (LMR-TMO) are a group of cathode materials, which can be used in Lithium-ion batteries. Higher lithium percentage and the lack of cobalt in the structure of the material, makes LMR-TMO cheaper and more capable alternative for cathode materials in use. In this master’s thesis, we used a modified synthesis method, which is used to attain NMC cathode materials, to produce LMR-TMO materials. After the successful acquisition of NMC dust, we used the method for the synthesis of the desired material. Samples were analysed by scanning electron microscopy and x-ray powder diffraction. Synthesised materials were used as active material in cathodes, put in battery cells, and subjected to charging cycles. By doing before mentioned analyses, we concluded, that we successfully acquired LMR-TMOs and proved they can be used in battery cells.

Keywords:Lithium-ion batteries, LMR-TMO, NMC, synthesis

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