
Ženski mitološki liki v izbranih delih Jeana Racina in Nicolasa Poussina
ID Cajhen, Kaja (Author), ID Turk, Boštjan Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kokole, Stanko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Naloga se osredotoča na primerjalno analizo ženskih mitoloških likov v izbranih delih Jeana Racina in Nicolasa Poussina in iskanjem morebitnih povezav med obema avtorjema. Prvi del je posvečen Racinu in njegovima tragedijama Fedra in Andromaha. Sprva se posvetimo avtorjevemu odnosu do antike, ki ga zaznamuje temeljito branje in poglobljena analiza antičnih avtorjev. Tragičen pogled na svet, v katerem se zrcali vpliv janzenističnega determinizma je ključen za razumevanje Racinovega gledališča. Literarni junaki so obsojeni na propad, niso možni nadzorovati svojih strasti, kar pripelje do tragičnega zaključka. Naloga opozori na Racinovo nasprotujoče upodabljanje aktivnih ženskih in pasivnih moških likov ter predstavi nekoliko drugačno interpretacijo tega fenomena. V nadaljevanju sta podrobneje analizirani tragediji Fedra in Andromaha, pri čemer je posebna pozornost namenjena ženskim likom in njihovim odnosom. Prvi del razprave se zaključi z kratkim ekskurzom, ki vsebuje izbor posebno povednih likovnih upodobitev naslovnih junakinj na antičnih rimskih sarkofagih. Drugi del je namenjen Nicolasu Poussinu. Uvodoma se okvirno seznanimo s slikarjevimi načini kreativnega zgledovanja po antičnih vzorih, nato pa se posvetimo izboru Poussinovih zgodnjih del, ki upodabljajo slavne mitološke zaljubljence. Enako kot bajeslovne junakinje, ki nastopajo pri Racinu, imajo nekateri ženski liki dominantno vlogo tudi pri Poussinu. (Zgodnejši raziskovalci so vzroke za to posebnost iskali v slikarjevem zasebnem življenju, bolj verjeteno pa je razloge treba iskati v specifičnih željah Poussinovih izobraženih rimskih naročnikov.) Izpostavljene so tri slike iz 30. let 17. stoletja: Selena in Endimion (Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit), Kefal in Avrora (The National Gallery, London) ter Mars in Venera (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston). Poussin si je za ta svoja dela izbral znane in pogosto upodabljane mite, vendar jih je ustvarjalno presnoval in zgodbo vsakokrat predstavil na svoj izvirni način. Za razliko od Racina, pri katerem sta v obeh obravnavanih tragedijah ključna ženska lika navadni smrtnici (Fedra in Andromaha), pa so ženske protagonistke na vseh treh izbranih Poussinovih platnih nesmrtne boginje.

Keywords:Jean Racine, Nicolas Poussin, 17. stoletje, antična mitologija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144373 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:148086019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.02.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Female Mythological Characters in Selected works of Jean Racine and Nicolas Poussin
This MA thesis centres on comparative analysis of female mythological characters in selected works by Jean Racine and Nicolas Poussin as well as on an investigation of possible parallels between the two artists. The first part is dedicated to Racine and his tragedies Phèdre and Andromaque. At the outset it focuses on his attitude to the Classical tradition, which is characterized by a thorough reading and an in-depth analysis of ancient authors. The tragic view of the world, which reflects the influence of Jansenist determinism, is key to understanding Racine's theatre. Literary heroes are doomed, unable to control their passions, which leads to their tragic end. In particular, the thesis underscores Racine's opposition between active female and passive male characters and proposes a more nuanced interpretation of this phenomenon. In the following paragraphs, the tragedies of Phèdre and Andromaque are analysed in some detail paying special attention to the female characters and their relationships. The first part of the study concludes with a short excursus that surveys some of the especially telling depictions of the titular heroines on the ancient Roman sarcophagi. Summarily discussing Nicolas Poussin’s specific approach to Classical antiquity, the second part focuses on those of his early works that depict famous mythological lovers. As was the case with the heroines portrayed in Racine’s plays, a number of Poussin’s female characters seem to also assume comparably dominant roles. (Earlier scholars were seeking an explanation for this peculiarity in the vicissitudes of the painter’s private life, even though it was more likely determined by the particular preferences of his sophisticated Roman patrons.) Three paintings dating from the 1630s are examined in some detail: Selene and Endymion (Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit), Cephalus and Aurora (The National Gallery, London) and Mars and Venus (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston). In these instances, Poussin drew upon well-known and often depicted myths but creatively reinterpreted the standard pictorial narratives in his own original manner. In contrast with the two tragedies of Racine, where the key female characters (Phaedra and Andromache) are mere mortals, all three women protagonists in the aforementioned paintings by Poussin are immortal goddesses.

Keywords:Jean Racine, Nicolas Poussin, 17th century, Classical mythology

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