The topic of this Master's thesis is quite widespread, as it was written during and immediately after the cancellation of the covida-19 pandemic. The thesis describes the impact of the covid-19 disease on the tourist visit to the Škocjan Caves Regional Park and the consequences of the pandemic. To facilitate the understanding and analysis of the visits to Škocjan Caves, I have included in the assignment statistical data on tourist visits to the municipality of Divača. In addition to an overview of tourist arrivals by year in the municipality of Divača and Škocjan Caves, the thesis also describes the main characteristics of the covid-19 disease, the impact it has had on tourism and its development, and how local providers in the municipality have dealt with the problem of covid-19. I also obtained important information by interviewing some local providers. An analysis of the responses is presented at the end of the thesis, followed by a discussion chapter where I summarise my findings.