
Vpliv različnih toplotnih obdelav na mehanske lastnosti jekla SIQUAL 7765 : diplomsko delo
ID Herceg, Luka (Author), ID Nagode, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Poročnik, Matej (Comentor)

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V okviru diplomskega dela smo preučevali vpliv različnih kombinacij toplotnih obdelav na mehanske lastnosti konstrukcijskega jekla SIQUAL 7765. Jeklo je bilo v obliki palic premera cca 30 – 40 mm, ki so bile izdelane po dveh postopkih vroče predelave t. j. z valjanjem in s kovanjem. S pomočjo dilatometrske analize smo določili premenske temperature Ac1 = 770 °C, Ac3 = 843 °C, ter Ms = 370 °C in Mf = 200 °C, s katerimi smo določili optimalne parametre toplotnih obdelav. Toplotno obdelavo smo izvedli na tri načine in sicer tako, da smo en par vzorcev perlitizirali in poboljšali, drugi par smo sferodizacijsko žarili in poboljšali, tretji par pa smo zgolj poboljšali. Temperature poboljšanja so bile pri vseh vzorcih enake in sicer: temperatura avstenitizacije T? = 880 °C in temperatura popuščanja Tp = 640 °C. Meritve trdote smo izvedli na jeklu v dostavljenem stanju, pred in po poboljšanju. Preizkusi udarne žilavosti so bili narejeni pri sobni temperaturi in pri temperaturi -40 °C. Prav tako smo določili napetost tečenja, trdnost, raztezek in kontrakcijo ter analizirali mikrostrukturo. Najboljše razultate, to je najvišje trdnostne lastnosti in žilavosti, smo dosegli na valjanem vzorcu, na katerem je bila izvedena kombinacija sferodizacijskega žarjenja in poboljšanja. Poleg najvišje dogovorne napetosti tečenja in natezne trdnosti, smo dobili tudi najvišjo žilavost pri temperaturi -40 °C.

Keywords:Jeklo SIQUAL 7765, mehanske lastnosti, toplotna obdelava, žilavost, metalografska analiza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Herceg]
Number of pages:XIII, 35 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144245 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:141913347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.02.2023
HERCEG, Luka, 2023, Vpliv različnih toplotnih obdelav na mehanske lastnosti jekla SIQUAL 7765 : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : L. Herceg. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of different heat treatments on mechanical properties of SIQUAL 7765 : diploma work
As a part of this thesis, we studied the influence of different combinations of heat treatments on the mechanical properties of structural steel SIQUAL 7765. The steel was in the form of bars with diameter of approx. 30 – 40 mm, which were made by two hot forming processes – rolling and forging. With the help of dilatometer analysis, we determined the variable temperatures Ac1 = 770 °C, Ac3 = 843 °C, Ms = 370 °C and Mf = 200 °C, by which the optimal methods of heat treatment was determined. The heat treatment was carried out in three ways: one pair of samples was pearlitizated, quenched and tempered, the second pair was spheroidizational annealed, quenched and tempered, and the third pair was only quenched and tempered. The temperatures of austenitisation (Tγ) and tempering (Tp) were the same for all samples, namely 880 °C and 640 °C, respectively. The hardness measurements were performed on the steel in its delivered state, before / after quenching and tempering. The impact toughness tests were done at room temperature and at -40 °C. We also determined the yield stress, tensile strength, elongation, contraction and analyzed the microstructure. The best results, i. e. the highest strength properties and toughness, were achieved on the rolled sample, where a combination of spheroidization annealing, hardening and tempering was carried out. In addition to the highest agreed yield stress and tensile strenght, we also obtained the highest toughness at a temperature of -40 °C

Keywords:SIQUAL 7765 Steel, mechanical properties, heat treatment, toughness, metallographic analysis

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