
Uporaba s kretnjami podprte komunikacije pri predšolskem otroku z Downovim sindromom : magistrsko delo
ID Simonič, Eva (Author), ID Žgur, Erna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Otroci z Downovim sindromom nam želijo sporočati svoje misli in potrebe, vendar velikokrat ne vedo kako bi se tega lotili. Dodatni 21. kromosom vpliva na različna področja posameznikovega funkcioniranja, izgleda in samega življenja, med vsem tem tudi na govorno-jezikovne sposobnosti otrok z Downovim sindromom. Obstajajo vrste in oblike podporne in nadomestne komunikacije, s katerimi lahko otrokom z Downovim sindromom omogočimo komuniciranje z okolico in ena izmed teh je tudi s kretnjami podprta komunikacija. V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali, v kolikšni meri in v kakšne namene predšolski otrok z Downovim sindromom uporablja s kretnjami podprto komunikacijo. V raziskavo smo vključili deklico z Downovim sindromom staro štiri leta. Deklica je bila v predšolski oddelek s prilagojenim programom vključena prvo leto. Uporabljena je bila kvalitativna raziskovalna metoda, študija primera. Želeli smo ugotoviti, ali bo deklica izbrane kretnje ponovila, sčasoma usvojila in postopoma pričela samostojno uporabljati v namene sporočanja in komuniciranja. Ugotovili smo, da je deklica dosegla zastavljene cilje. Deklica je ponovila izbrane kretnje, slike povezala s posredovanimi kretnjami in v nekaterih spontanih situacijah naučene kretnje tudi uporabila.

Keywords:Downov sindrom, nadomestna komunikacija, s kretnjami podprta komunikacija, govorno-jezikovni razvoj, predšolski otrok
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:E. Simonič
Number of pages:55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144057 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:139985155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.01.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Use of Gesture Aided Communication in the Preschool Child with Down Syndrome
Children with Down syndrome want to communicate about their thoughts and needs with us, but often do not know how to do it. The additional 21st chromosome affects various areas of an individual's functioning, appearance and life itself, including the speech and language abilities of children with Down syndrome. There are types and forms of augmentative and alternative communication that can be used to enable children with Down syndrome to communicate with their surroundings, and one of these is communication supported by gestures. In the Master's thesis, we determined to what extent and for what purposes a preschool child with Down syndrome uses gesture-supported communication. In the research we included a four-year-old girl with Down syndrome. The girl was included in the pre-school department with an adapted program for the first year. A qualitative research method and a case study was used. We wanted to find out whether the girl would repeat the selected gestures, adopt them over time and gradually start using them independently for the purposes of communication and messaging. We found that the girl achieved the set goals. The girl repeated the selected gestures, connected the pictures with the provided gestures and in some spontaneous situations also used the learned gestures.

Keywords:Down's syndrome, substitute communication, communication supported by gestures, speech-language development, preschool child

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