
Motivacija, zadovoljenost temeljnih psiholoških potreb in pripadnost subkulturi pri ekstremnih športih : magistrsko delo
ID Kovačič, Žiga (Author), ID Avsec, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali, kakšno vlogo imajo različni tipi notranje motivacije, zunanje motivacije, amotivacija in pripadnost subkulturi pri zadovoljenosti potreb po avtonomnosti, kompetentnosti, povezanosti in potrebe po telesni pripravljenosti pri ekstremnih športih. Teorija samodoločenosti namreč opredeljuje avtonomnost, kompetentnost in povezanost kot tri temeljne psihološke potrebe, ki naj bi bile povezane predvsem z notranjimi tipi motivacije. Ker naj bi bila subkultura pomemben vidik ekstremnih športov, smo želeli raziskati tudi, kakšna je vloga pripadnosti tej subkulturi pri zadovoljenosti treh temeljnih psiholoških potreb. Boljša telesna pripravljenost je pogost motiv športne dejavnosti, zato nas je zanimalo tudi, kako se s potrebo po telesni pripravljenosti v ekstremnih športih povezujejo različni tipi motivacije za ekstremne športe. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 130 udeležencev, ki se z ekstremnimi športi ukvarjajo tekmovalno ali netekmovalno. Udeleženci so v spletni raziskavi izpolnili Vprašalnik zadovoljenosti temeljnih potreb na delovnem mestu in Vprašalnik športne motivacije, ki smo ju priredili tako, da sta se nanašala na področje ekstremnih športov. Odgovorili so tudi na tri postavke, s katerimi smo merili zadovoljenost potrebe po telesni pripravljenosti pri ekstremnih športih in eno postavko, s katero smo merili pripadnost subkulturi ekstremnih športov. Rezultati multiple linearne regresije so pokazali, da zadovoljenost treh temeljnih psiholoških potreb v ekstremnih športih izmed tipov motivacije najbolje napoveduje amotivacija (negativno) in notranja motivacija za stimulacijo (pozitivno). Zadovoljenost treh temeljnih psiholoških potreb v ekstremnih športih pozitivno napoveduje tudi pripadnost njihovi subkulturi. Izkazalo se je tudi, da notranja motivacija za dosežek pozitivno napoveduje zadovoljenost potrebe po telesni pripravljenosti v ekstremnih športih, negativno pa jo napoveduje amotivacija. Ugotovitev, da igra pripadnost subkulturi ekstremnih športov pomembno vlogo pri zadovoljevanju treh temeljnih psiholoških potreb v ekstremnih športih, vidimo kot glaven doprinos naše raziskave, saj še dodatno pojasnjuje, v kakšnem okolju je na področju športa možno njihovo zadovoljevanje, ki je pomembno za zdrav osebnostni razvoj.

Keywords:ekstremni športi, teorija samodoločenosti, temeljne psihološke potrebe, motivacija, pripadnost subkulturi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Kovačič]
Number of pages:57 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143970 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:145558531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.01.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Motivation, satisfaction of basic psychological needs and belonging to subculture in extreme sports
In this master thesis, we investigated the role of different types of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, amotivation and belongingness to subculture in the satisfaction of needs for autonomy, competence, relatedness and physical thriving in extreme sports. Self-determination theory identifies autonomy, competence and relatedness as three basic psychological needs that are especially related to intrinsic types of motivation. As subcultures are an important aspect of extreme sports, we wanted to investigate the role of belongingness to subculture in the satisfaction of these three basic psychological needs. Physical thriving is a common motive for sporting activity, so we were also interested in how different types of motivation for extreme sports relate to the need for physical thriving in extreme sports. 130 people who do extreme sports competitively or non-competitively participated in the study. In the online survey, participants completed a Basic need satisfaction at work questionnaire and a Sports motivation scale, which were adapted to the field of extreme sports. They also answered 3 items measuring satisfaction of the need for physical thriving in extreme sports and one item measuring belonging to an extreme sports subculture. The results of multiple linear regression showed that satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs in extreme sports is among the motivation types best predicted by amotivation (negatively) and intrinsic motivation for stimulation in extreme sports (positively). Satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs in extreme sports is also positively predicted by belongingness to the subculture of extreme sports. Intrinsic motivation for achievement also positively predicted satisfaction of the need for physical thriving in extreme sports, whereas amotivation predicted it negatively. We consider the finding that belongingness to extreme sports subculture plays an important role in the satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs in extreme sports as a main contribution of our research, as it further clarifies in which sporting environment it is possible to satisfy these needs, which are important for healthy personality development.

Keywords:extreme sports, self-determination theory, basic psychological needs, motivation, belongingness to subculture

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