
Umestitev digitalne ilustracije v fotografijo s pomočjo dolgega osvetlitvenega časa
ID Ferjanc, Maja (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo z naslovom Umestitev digitalne ilustracije v fotografijo s pomočjo dolgega osvetlitvenega časa temelji na procesu fotografske tehnike, ki s pomočjo dolgega osvetlitvenega časa in AMOLED zaslona omogoča združitev digitalne ilustracije s fotografijo že v času fotografiranja ter skozi izdelane fotografije prikazuje lik in zgodbo na temo prokrastinacije. V teoretičnem delu je skozi pregled strokovne literature predstavljen krajši vpogled v zgodovino in razvoj digitalne fotografije. Opisane so osnovne nastavitve in terminologija, ki predstavljajo pomemben del fotografije, kasneje je podrobneje prikazana tudi tehnika dolgega osvetlitvenega časa. Poleg fotografije je predstavljeno tudi področje digitalne ilustracije ter osnove oblikovanja ilustriranega lika. Zadnje poglavje teoretičnega dela prikazuje združitev fotografije z digitalno ilustracijo na temelju obstoječega primera. Eksperimentalni del predstavlja celoten proces umestitve digitalne ilustracije v fotografijo, vključno z oblikovanjem lika in zgodbe, v kateri nastopa. Prvi izmed korakov predstavlja raziskavo tematike, na kateri temelji zgodba, ter analizo referenčnih primerov ilustriranih likov. Proces se nadaljuje s skiciranjem idejne zasnove in oblikovanjem lika, ki v zgodbi predstavlja glavno vlogo. Temu sledi testno fotografiranje oziroma poskusna umestitev ilustracije v fotografijo. Rezultati, pridobljeni v tem delu, vplivajo na nadaljnje korake, ki obsegajo pripravo končnih digitalnih ilustracij, končnega fotografiranja in postprodukcije. Delo se zaključi s predstavitvijo končnega izdelka, tj. serije fotografij, ki na hudomušen način prikazujejo čustveno bitko, ki se odvija v mislih in vodi v začarani krog odlašanja oziroma namernega prelaganja dela na kasnejši čas. Analiza končnega dela je pokazala, da so bili željeni rezultati doseženi, vendar so kljub temu vidne možnosti za izboljšavo. Te so razvidne predvsem na področju oblikovanja lika oziroma dinamičnosti njegovih poz ter boljšo osvetlitev fotografij v času fotografiranja.

Keywords:fotografija, digitalna ilustracija, dolgi osvetlitveni čas, oblikovanje lika, prokrastinacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-143932 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.01.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Placement of digital illustration into photograph with long exposure technique
The master's thesis, titled Placement of digital illustration into photograph with long exposure technique, is based on the process of using a long-exposure photographic technique in combination with an AMOLED screen, which allows the merging of digital illustration with photography at the time of the shooting. It shows a character and its story based on the subject of procrastination through a series of photographs. In the theoretical part, an overview of the literature gives a brief insight into the history and development of digital photography. Described are the basic settings and terminology which form a significant part of photography, followed by a more in-depth look at the long-exposure technique. In addition to photography, the field of digital illustration and the basics of character design are also introduced. The last chapter of the theoretical part shows how to combine photography with a digital illustration based on an existing case study. The experimental part presents the process of placing digital illustration in photography, including the character design and the story in which it appears. The first step is to research the theme on which the story is based and analyze the reference examples of the illustrated characters. The process continues with the conceptualization and design of the character playing the main role in the story. This is followed by a test shoot or a test placement of the illustration in the photograph. The results obtained influence the following steps, which include the preparation of the final illustrations, the final photography, and postproduction. The thesis concludes with a presentation of the final product, i.e. a series of photographs humorously depicting the emotional battle that is taking place in the mind, leading to a vicious cycle of procrastination. The analysis of the final work shows that the desired results have been achieved but has some room for improvement. This is particularly evident in the areas of character design or its dynamism of poses, as well as better exposure of the photographs at the time of the shooting.

Keywords:photography, digital illustration, long exposure time, character design, procrastination

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